Go Blue

great producer


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(GST status not known)

Go Blue
Ark Regal (NZ) 1986
Shades Of Blue (AUS) 1993
22 October 2000
Life no:
Port Lincoln 5606 SA, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Grayview Stud

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Jetway (AUS) 1996
Date of last service:15 November 2010
Selling with a foal at foot:Yes
Covering sire: Written Tycoon (AUS) 2002
DOB of foal at foot: 23 September 2010

the written tycoon is 4 sale i have the first one to race out of this mare achenar he is a champion very fast call annette 0428830295 go blue in foal to jetway price can be neg


Make an Enquiry

Annette Morrison , Grayview Stud

2-26 Western App Road, Port Lincoln 5606 SA, Australia

Mobile Phone Fax
0428 830 295 (08) 8683 0295 (08) 8683 1401
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+61428830295 +61886830295 +61886831401

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Full catalogue pedigree

  GO BLUE (AUS) Brown filly 2000  

Ark Regal
Star Way Star Appeal Appiani
New Way Klairon
New Move
Pan Flight Taipan Bold Ruler
Tranquil Flight Sabaean
Loyal Flight
Shades of Blue
Bengal Fire Nishapour Zeddaan
Gerardmer Brigadier Gerard
Summer Show Showdown Infatuation
Lady West Forearmed

By ARK REGAL (NZ) (Ch. 1986) Stakes-winner; won 8 races and $612,900 Won VATC Futurity S. G1; sire of SWs Another Neptune, Wavishing and SP He's Regal; also winners Manihi Miss, Perfect Ark, Willcannia, Oh Joy, Ark's Angel, Shakota, Viennetta, Noah Yarn, Ark It Up, Withering Burst, Switch Master, Reark, Miss Crabopple, Seeking Fun, Regal Song, Larger, Lemon Fantasy, Mit and Mot, Scarlet Ark, Raise the Ark, Hallowed Bow, etc.; sire of SP Chantal Sally, Manihi Magic, Emily's Girl; also winners Making the Road, Prince Obama, Knockout, Extreme Cost, Bronzetta, Bronze Ruler, Mr Isaac, Weasel Wav, American Gangster, Late Change, Nikki Beach, Regal Weasel, Annie By Design, Gunnagetit, Four Legs Good, Hasty Appeal, Our Shanagolden, Nicomachus, Olympias Girl, Nashua Gold, Kylemore Castle, etc.

1st DAM

SHADES OF BLUE, by Bengal Fire (GB). 2 wins at 1200, 1400 m. and $30,255 in Australia 2nd MRC Savoir H. Half-sister to ROYAL BLUE, WINGARRA STAR, King of Narnia. Dam of 2 foals, 1 raced, a winner-

FOREVER BLUE (1999 f by Toy Pindarri (NZ)). 1 win at 1020 m. and $2,500 in Australia.

2nd DAM

SUMMER SHOW, by Showdown (GB). Unraced. Dam of 13 foals, all raced, 11 winners inc.-

ROYAL BLUE (g by Oenjay Star). 13 wins 1100 to 1616 m. and $365,535 Won MRC Richard Ellis S. G3, VRC Life's a Party Cater H., MVRC Wedgwood Tableware H., MRC Swin. Chancellor's Plate, MVRC Qantas H., VRC Super Impose H., VATC Triscay H., MVRC Koala Toys H., MVRC Night Racing H., VATC Dual Choice H., VATC Harleston Welter H. 2nd MVRC Qantas Airway R V Moon H., VATC Bargain Box H., VATC Bone Marrow Research H. 3rd VRC Blamey S. G2, MRC T.S. Carlyon Cup G2, VRC Fiesta Star H., MRC Phar Lap Plate, VATC Phar Lap Platee H., VATC Malvern H.

WINGARRA STAR (c by Oenjay Star). 16 wins 1000 to 1400 m. and $134,230 Won SAJC Foundation S.A. S. L, SAJC Pegasus Leasing and Ins H., SAJC Golden Jubilee H., SAJC Adel Casino Graduation S., SAJC Adel Casino Graduation H., SAJC Del Mar Country S. 2nd SAJC Clipsal Sprint, SAJC Sans Rival H., SAJC Persian C'Pet Gallery H., SAJC Blackjack H., SAJC Bonnetts Saddlery H., SAJC Thomas Jordon H., SAJC Love Bandit Flying H., SAJC Adelaide Casino H., SAJC Delville H. 3rd SAJC W.H. Wylie H. L, SAJC Playful Princess H., SAJC Rubiton H., SAJC Yaraandoo H.

King of Narnia (c by Oenjay Star). 7 wins 1000 to 1205 m. and $22,525 Won SAJC Rotary Anniversary H. 3rd VRC Dalgety Bloodstock S. L.

PELERMAN. 8 wins 1000 to 1500 m. and $62,380 in Australia 2nd VRC Stormy Rex H., VATC Durham H., VATC Star Affair Welter H. 3rd VATC Herald-Sun Country Cup.

COOK'S STARSHOW. 4 wins 1200 to 2300 m. and $18,890 in Australia 3rd AJC 3 YO Colts and Geldings Restricted H.

TRIGANINI. 2 wins at 1000, 1400 m. and $6,620 in Australia.

IS HE A STAR. 2 wins at 1000, 1200 m. and $3,620 in Australia.

BLUE CABARET. 1 win at 1000 m. and $14,380 in Australia. Producer.

SUMMER DOWN UNDER. 1 win at 1400 m. and $2,855 in Australia.

BEHAR BLUE. 1 win at 1200 m. and $4,150 in Australia.

3rd DAM

LADY WEST (NZ), by Forearmed (IRE). 1 win at 6 1/2 f. and $330 in Australia. Half-sister to Foreign Lassie, Silver Blue, St Renown (grand-dam of Right Stuff). Dam of 8 foals, 6 raced, 3 winners-

GENTLEMAN WEST. 7 wins at 1000, 1200 m. and $4,150 in Australia.

BEAUTY POINT. 3 wins at 1000, 1200 m. and $4,246 in South Africa. Producer.

WEST LADY. 1 win at 1200 m. at 2 and $2,645 in Australia. 3rd VATC Proud Miss H. Producer.

4th DAM

REPUTE, by Sabaean (GB). Started 4 times in New Zealand. Sister to Rely (dam of PROCEED). Half-sister to Supa, Status, Estimable (dam of Melanie Jane). Dam of 12 named foals, 11 raced, 9 winners inc.-

Foreign Lassie (f by Copenhagen (GB)). 4 wins 1000 to 1400 m. and $22,560 Won VRC Waltzing Lily Hcp, VRC Rainbird H. 2nd VATC Mona Nursery L, MVRC Barkoola H., VATC Siren H., VRC Winslow H., VATC Glenhuntly Hcp, VATC Kingston S., VATC Sapphire Hcp, VATC Maple H. 3rd VRC Mimosa S. L, VATC Gothic Stakes, VATC Regent H., VATC Gladstone H., VRC Acacia H., VATC Mitcham H., MVRC Chelandry H. Producer.

Silver Blue (c by Byland (GB)). 7 wins 5 f. to 1 m. and $17,700 Won AJC Adam Lindsay Gordon H., AJC Welter H., STC Westmead Welter H. 2nd Tattersalls Club (nsw) Club Welter, AJC Loftus H. 3rd WRC Thompson H. L, AJC Lane Cove H., AJC Dec. H.

LO VELLE. 3 wins at 5 1/4, 6 f. and $1,815 in New Zealand. Producer.

FOREIGN CONNECTION. 3 wins 1200 to 1600 m. and $3,650 in Australia.

OUTLAW. 2 wins at 1, 1 1/4 m. and $2,245 in New Zealand.

KY SIM. 2 wins at 1400 m. and $2,960 in Australia.

CUDDLE ME. 2 wins at 1 m. and $1,118 in New Zealand. Producer.

ST RENOWN. 1 win at 6 f. and $1,160 in Australia. 3rd VATC Dingley S. Dam of 2 winners-

PANORAMA GOLD. 7 wins 1200 to 1500 m. and $12,720 Won WATC Oxford Graduation S., WATC Shamrock Graduation S. 2nd WATC Oklahoma City Graduation S., WATC Lonsdale Graduation S. 3rd WATC Graduation S.

MISS PANORAMA. 2 wins at 1200 m. and $2,430 in Australia. Dam of--

Right Stuff (c by Warwick (FR)). 9 wins 1200 to 2100 m. and $66,680 Won WATC Midland Cup, WATC Apple Charlotte Welter H., WATC Yenton Graduation, WATC Plunkett Homes Graduation. 2nd WATC Swan River Welter H., WATC Sky Channel Welter H., WATC Rentokil Welter H. 3rd WATC Belmont Park Cup L, WATC H.C. Callagher Memorial H., WATC Hmas Stirling Welter H., WATC Club Port Welter H., WATC Swan River Welter H.

Race Record:  Unraced.

Produce Record: Dam of 5 foals, 1 raced, a winner-

2005       (f by Carnegie (IRE)).

2006  ACHENAR (c by Fomalhaut (USA)). 3 wins at 1000 m. and $22,940 in Australia.

2007  Missed to Command Post (NZ).

2008       (f by Delzao).

2009       (c by Flying Gulch).

2010       (c by Written Tycoon).