
great proudcer


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(GST status not known)

River Rough (NZ) 1979
Oonalee (NZ) 1976
30 November 1993
Port Lincoln 5606 SA, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Grayview Stud

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Jetway (AUS) 1996
Selling with a foal at foot:Yes
Covering sire: Bon Hoffa (AUS) 2002
DOB of foal at foot: 28 August 2010

cracker foal nice mare make an offer call annette 0428830295 foal with mare and in foal to jetway great package


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Annette Morrison , Grayview Stud

2-26 Western App Road, Port Lincoln 5606 SA, Australia

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0428 830 295 (08) 8683 0295 (08) 8683 1401
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+61428830295 +61886830295 +61886831401

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Brown mare       Foaled 1993 

RIVER ROUGH (NZ) Brigand (USA)NoholmeStar Kingdom (Ire)
Lady SybilCount Rendered (GB)
Romantic GloryRomantic (GB)Princely Gift
Snow GloryHawa (Ire)
First Consul (USA)ForliAristophanes
Bold ConsortBold Ruler
Inside StoryWe Don't Know (Ire)Nasrullah
So ColdSabaean (GB)

RIVER ROUGH (NZ) (1979). Top of The 1984-85 Australasian 4YO+ Classification (1000m-1200m). 9 wins up to 1200m, A$313,450, VRC Pure-Pak S.H., Gr.1-twice. Sire of 236 rnrs, 142 wnrs, inc. SW French Pirate (SAJC New Year's Gift, L), Ride the Rapids, etc. Sire of the dams of 218 rnrs, 119 wnrs, inc. SW River Dove, Blazing Reality, Magic Music, Chetwynd South, King Flyer, SP Fomalite, Irgunette, Surfboard, River Crossing, Quiet Style and of Boca Run, River Fairy, Tarn Princess, Bengalla River, River Express, Cruziero, Livin' on the Edge, etc.


1st dam

OONALEE (NZ), by First Consul (USA). 5 wins–1 at 2–1000 to 1850m, SAJC Fairfield H., Chantilly H., Crafers H., Waterloo H., VATC Heath S., 2d SAJC Independence Day H., St Andrews H., 3d SAJC Causeway H., 4th SAJC Morphettville P.H. Sister to Consul's Secret, half-sister to BALKAN SECRET, DEEP MYSTERY, WINDU KARYA, Home Office,  Beauty Secret (dam of BEAU TRIST). Dam of 12 named foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, inc:-

AUSSIE CONSUL (f by Adraan (GB)). 5 wins–1 at 2–1000 to 1400m, VRC Frances Tressady S., Gr 3, SAJC Gay Poss H., Star Shower H., The Aywon S., Diecaster H., 2d SAJC Better Vain H., Boral Cyclone H., Trois Model H., Trans Media Park Graduation S., 3d MVRC Ripa H., SAJC Correct H., English Wonder H., Fulmen S., VATC Avon H., 4th SAJC Swettenham Stud S., Gr 3. Dam of 6 winners-

SOLID CONTACT (c Snippets) 7 wins–1 at 2–at 1200, 1400m, $2,360,780, HKJC Happy Valley Trophy, HK-3, HKSAR Chief Executive's Cup, Lo Wu H., Happy Valley Vase, Wo Che P., 2d HKJC Bauhinia Sprint Trophy, HK-1, Happy Valley Trophy, HK-3, Kwai Chung H., Martell Cup, 3d HKJC Happy Valley Trophy, HK-3.

Poetique (f Our Poetic Prince) 6 wins–1 at 2–1200 to 1500m, $131,550, VRC Cornwall H., Hanan Displays H., Sortino Trophy H., 3d VATC Thoroughbred Club S., Gr 3. Producer.

 China Consul . 10 wins 1200 to 1600m, $117,845, QTC Re Hotel H., VATC Shannon H., 2d QTC Thoroughbred Breeders' H., 3d VRC Breakfast With the Stars Welter H.

 Ace Academy . 7 wins–1 at 2–1200 to 1800m, $665,745, HKJC The Martell Cognac H., Blackpool H., Hoi Ping H., Black's Link H.

 Aussie's Lad . 7 wins–1 at 2–1100 to 1700m, $125,475, MVRC Spartacus H., 2d MVRC Welcome Stranger 2YO H., 3d VRC Tooheys Pils H., Benalla Cup.

 Madame Porscha . Winner at 1400m in Aust. Dam of 2 winners-

Ming Hoi Treasure (g Choisir) 2 wins at 1600, 1800m, $284,115, in 2009-10, HKJC Diamond Hill H., 2d AJC Canonbury S., L.

 Middle Ground . Started 3 times. Dam of-

 Oak Barrel . Started twice. Dam of-

I'm Gifted (f Blackfriars) Winner at 2 at 1000m, WATC Initial 2YO P., 3d WATC Gimcrack S., L.

 Vaguely Consul - Nelson's Pet (H.K.) (g by New Regent (Can)). 5 wins 1200 to 1650m, $273,422, RHKJC Hilton Silver Jubilee Challenge Cup H., Ma on Shan H., Mid-Levels H., Staunton H.

 Irreverent - First Bold (Mal.) (g by Without Fear (Fr)). 4 wins 1100 to 1400m in Aust and Malaysia.

 Green Gambler (c by Gay Gambler (USA)). 3 wins at 1000m in Aust.

 Carneggan Lad (c by Success Express (USA)). 3 wins at 1200, 1600m, 3d BATC Darra Tab Agency H., VATC Devonshire H.

 Viva Willow (f by Salmon Leap (USA)). 2 wins at 1300, 1400m in Aust. Dam of 2 winners-

 The Grand Roof . 4 wins at 1200m, $407,144, HKJC Sunset Peak H., Pui O H., Awapuni H., Li Yuen H.

 Viva la Danske . 4 wins 1200 to 2200m to 2010-11, 3d Southland RC Stadium Southland H.

 Poetalee (f by Our Poetic Prince). 2 wins–1 at 2–at 1119, 1200m in Aust.

 Socrates (c by Francis Bacon (Ire)). Winner at 1000m in Aust.


Race Record: Unraced.


Produce Record: Dam of 4 named foals, 3 to race, 1 winner.

1998 (f by Marwina).

1999  Our Marwina (g by Marwina). Unplaced.

2000  Suwarti (f by Armidale). Unraced.

2001 Not served previous season.

2002 Not served previous season.

2003  Opticalwina (f by Marwina). Placed in Aust.

2004  Secret Glance (f by High Rolling). 2 wins at 1300, 1600m in Aust.

2005 Missed to Half Hennessy.

2006 Not served previous season.

2007 (f by Sports Works). Died.

2008 (c by Half Hennessy).

2009 Missed to Seidnazar.

2010 (f by Bon Hoffa).


Served by Jetway. Date of last service, 01.09.2010.

Full catalogue pedigree

  OPTIC (AUS) Brown filly 1993  

River Rough
Brigand Noholme Star Kingdom
Lady Sybil Count Rendered
Romantic Glory Romantic Princely Gift
Big Romance
Snow Glory Hawa
First Consul Forli Aristophanes
Bold Consort Bold Ruler
Misty Morn
Inside Story We Don't Know Nasrullah
Marie Galante
So Cold Sabaean

By RIVER ROUGH (NZ) (Br. 1979) Stakes-winner; won 9 races and $315,950 Won VRC Pure-Pak S. G1; sire of SWs Ride the Rapids, French Pirate and SP Aspired, River of Destiny, At the Dock; also winners River Tough, Black Otago, Stolen River, Jacobs Creek, Friendship Bridge, Haste, Our Ruffian, Rough Reality, Ice Fire, Romantic River, Mosi-O-Tunya, Rainbows, Victory Hit, Kingston Beach, Chestnut Drive, Star of Windsor, Resistable, Voucher's Law, River Whim, etc.; sire of the dams of 5 SWs (1 G1) River Dove, Magic Music, Blazing Reality, Chetwynd South, King Flyer and SP Surfboard, Fomalite, Irgunette, Quiet Style, River Crossing; also winners Tarn Princess, Dancing Reality, River Fairy, River Express, Our Jetsetter, Kooda Hurry, Blazing Partners, Costalette, All Colours, Livin' on the Edge, King Walker, Ally Bee, Mio Figlio, Sports Diary, etc.

1st DAM

OONALEE, by First Consul (USA). 5 wins 1000 to 1850 m. and $22,640 Won VATC Heath S., SAJC Fairfield H., SAJC Waterloo H., SAJC Crafers H., SAJC Chantilly H. 2nd SAJC Independence Day H., SAJC St Andrews H. 3rd SAJC Causeway H. 4th SAJC Morphettville Plate L. Sister to Consul's Secret. Half-sister to BALKAN SECRET, DEEP MYSTERY, WINDU KARYA, Home Office, Beauty Secret (dam of BEAU TRIST) (grand-dam of RAISING KENTUCKY) (third dam of ROSSA GLORY), Coralee (grand-dam of Journalette). Dam of 13 foals, 11 raced, 8 winners-

AUSSIE CONSUL (1983 f by Adraan (GB)). 5 wins 1000 to 1400 m. and $79,660 Won VRC Frances Tressady S. G3, SAJC Star Shower H., SAJC Gay Poss H., SAJC The Aywon H., SAJC Diecaster H. 2nd SAJC Better Vain H., SAJC Boral Cyclone H., SAJC Trois Model H., SAJC Trans Media Park Grad. 3rd VATC Avon H., SAJC Fulmen S., SAJC English Wonder H., SAJC Correct H., MVRC Ripa H. 4th SAJC Swettenham Stud S. G3. Dam of 6 winners--

SOLID CONTACT (c by Snippets). 7 wins at 1200, 1400 m. and $2,491,232 Won Happy Valley Happy Valley Trophy HK-3, Sha Tin Lo Wu H., Sha Tin HKSAR Chief Executive's Cup, Happy Valley Happy Valley Vase. 2nd Sha Tin Bauhinia Sprint Trophy HK-1, Happy Valley Happy Valley Trophy HK-3, Sha Tin Juvenile Sprint Trophy HK-3, Sha Tin HKSAR Chief Executive's Cup, Sha Tin Sprint Trial Trophy, Happy Valley Martell Cup, Sha Tin Kwai Chung Divided H. 3rd Happy Valley Happy Valley Trophy HK-3, Sha Tin Hongkong Telecom Cup, Sha Tin Austin H.

Poetique (f by Our Poetic Prince). 6 wins 1200 to 1500 m. and $143,530 Won MRC Selangor Turf Club H., VRC Sortino Trophy H., VRC Cornwall H., VRC Hanan Displays H., VATC Arthur Price of Eng.H., VATC Mistress Anne H. 2nd SAJC David Jones' H., MRC Anniversary H., MRC Triscay Welter H. 3rd VATC Thoroughbred Club S. G3, MRC Harvie Picken H., VATC Avon H. Dam of 8 winners--

LIGHTNING GLANCE. 4 wins 1100 to 1300 m. and $165,560 Won STC Men of League Charity Status Rosebud Quality. 2nd STC Book Now for the Golden Slipper Festival H. 4th STC Run to the Rose H. L.

SNIPPEDYDOODA. 5 wins at 1200, 1400 m. and $985,212 Won Sha Tin Chiu Lung H., Happy Valley Queen's Road Central H., Sha Tin Fixed Line Network Plate, Sha Tin Chicago H., Happy Valley The Community Chest Cup. 2nd Sha Tin Gansu H., Sha Tin Chevalier Pipe Rehabilitation H., Sha Tin The Japan Racing Association Trophy, Happy Valley The Happy Valley Vase, Sha Tin Wyndham Plate, Sha Tin Yuen Wo Plate. 3rd Sha Tin The Good Neighbour Policy Trophy, Sha Tin Sheung Wan H., Sha Tin Tsung Pak Long Plate.

THUNDER MAN. 4 wins at 1650 m. and $441,988 Won Happy Valley Shan Kwong H., Happy Valley Percival H., Happy Valley Cook H., Happy Valley Stanley H. 2nd Happy Valley Delhi H., Sha Tin Hankow H., Sha Tin Li Yuen H., Happy Valley Kilmacolm H. 3rd Happy Valley Choi Wan H., Sha Tin Dalian H., Happy Valley Shatin Pass H.

THOR'S DAUGHTER. 4 wins 1321 to 1605 m. and $60,975 Won VRC Tarneit H., MVRC Bomber Radio on Sport 927 H. 3rd MVRC Ausdart Picture Framing H. Dam of--

CHOISIRA. 1 win at 1000 m. and $23,450 in Australia.

NEXT ADVENTURE. 10 wins 900 to 1400 m. and $123,460 in Australia 2nd AJC Moorebank H. 3rd STC Freeway's Great Steaks H.

ROCKBUSTER. 1 win at 1400 m. and $20,400 in Australia.

CHOISIQUE. 1 win at 1300 m. and $14,480 in Australia.

SLESSOR. 1 win at 1100 m. and $3,700 in Australia.

AUSSIE'S LAD. 7 wins 1100 to 1700 m. and $125,475 Won MVRC Spartacus H. 2nd MVRC Welcome Stranger H. 3rd VRC Tooheys Pils H.

ACE ACADEMY. 7 wins 1200 to 1800 m. and $601,095 Won Happy Valley International Jockeys' Championship, Happy Valley Hoi Ping H., Sha Tin Black's Link H., Sha Tin The Historical Drama H., Happy Valley Po Kin H. 2nd Sha Tin Nagoya H., Happy Valley Ruby H., Happy Valley Li Yuen H. 3rd Sha Tin Peng Chau H., Sha Tin Sun Chui H.

CHINA CONSUL. 10 wins 1200 to 1600 m. and $117,845 Won MRC Shannon Super Vobis H., QTC Re Hotel H. 2nd QTC Thoroughbred Breeders Qld H. 3rd VRC Brkfast With Stars Welter, MRC Jayco Caravan H.

MADAME PORSCHA. 1 win at 1400 m. and $11,175 in Australia. Dam of 2 winners--

Ming Hoi Treasure (g by Choisir). 2 wins at 1600, 1800 m. and $265,251 Won Sha Tin Diamond Hill H., Sha Tin Hong Kong Lions Cup. 2nd AJC Canonbury S. L.

FANTASTIC PORSCHA. 1 win at 1200 m. and $15,575 in Australia.

Encantada. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners-

PIA BOOMBA. 1 win at 1080 m. and $5,785. Won TRC Raine and Horne Kingston Maiden Plate. 2nd TRC Sports Bar Class 1 H. Dam of 2 winners--

PATFULL. 1 win at 1220 m. and $19,160. Won TTC Southern Cross Maiden Plate. 2nd TTC Royal Rambo 3YO Maiden Plate. 3rd TTC Tasmanian 3YO Maiden Plate, TTC Catering for Major Events Maiden Plate.

TANITABO. 1 win at 1100 m. and $12,180. Won TRC CP Transport 3 YO Maiden Plate.

ORO ROJO. 4 wins 1200 to 1600 m. and $32,545 in Australia 3rd MVRC Mystery 6 Goes Off H., SAJC Veolia Environmental Services H., SAJC Network Media Puzzle Regional 3 YO Class 1 H.

MASTER SIN. 1 win at 1400 m. and $42,975 in Australia. 2nd WATC Westspeed Stayers' Bonus Rated H., WATC Westspeed Stayers' Bonus Rated H. 3rd WATC Become a Perth Racing Facebook Fan Welter H.

ZAKUSKA. 1 win at 1200 m. and $19,450 in Australia. 3rd VRC Super Vobis Irish Day H.

MANDALAY. 1 win at 1400 m. and $28,475 in Australia. Dam of--

VENUS WORLD. 4 wins at 1000, 1200 m. and $90,682 Won MVRC Sphinx Hotel H. 3rd MVRC Legends After the Last H. 4th MRC Tristarc S. G2.

Canconi. Placed to 1403 m. 2nd MVRC Curran Chemicals H.

Aussie Lee. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners--

LEE'S REPLAY. 3 wins 1122 to 1206 m. and $21,120 in Australia 2nd SAJC Sweet Chariot H., SAJC Seppelts Fleur de Lys Class 1 H.

OCEANIC LEE. 2 wins at 1100, 1200 m. and $9,450 in Australia.

Middle Ground. Started 3 times in Australia. Dam of--

DR JOHNSTON. 2 wins at 1200, 1600 m. and $21,029 in Malaysia.

Pretty Pia. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners-

TEN DEGREES. 4 wins at 1200, 1400 m. and $55,295 Won WATC ozbet.com.au Rated H. 2nd WATC perthracing.com.au Rated H. 3rd WATC Westspeed 2 YO Plate, WATC Geisel Park Stud 2 YO Plate, WATC Westspeed 2 YO Plate. 4th WATC Perth S. L.

GOLDEN BEARCAT. 1 win at 120 m. and $23,742 in Malaysia.

Oak Barrel. Started twice in Australia. Dam of--

I'm Gifted (f by Blackfriars). 1 win at 1000 m. at 2 and $43,500. Won WATC Initial Plate. 2nd WATC Westspeed 3 YO Rated H. 3rd WATC Gimcrack S. L, WATC Number One in Service H., WATC Forrest Place H.

Schadenfreude Lou. Placed to 1200 m. at 2 2nd WATC Westspeed 2YO Plate. 3rd WATC Westspeed 2YO Plate.

NELSON'S PET (1984 c by New Regent (CAN)). 5 wins 1200 to 1650 m. and $273,373 in Hong Kong 2nd SAJC Sir Dapper H. 3rd SAJC Dulcify H.

CARNEGGAN LAD (1990 c by Success Express (USA)). 3 wins at 1200, 1600 m. and $16,205 in Australia 3rd VATC Devonshire H., BATC Darra TAB Agency Class 3 H.

GREEN GAMBLER (1982 c by Gay Gambler (USA)). 3 wins at 1000 m. and $6,980 in Australia.

VIVA WILLOW (1989 f by Salmon Leap (USA)). 2 wins at 1300, 1400 m. and $11,120 in Australia. Dam of 2 winners--

THE GRAND ROOF 1998. 4 wins at 1200 m. and $395,466 Won Happy Valley Awapuni H., Happy Valley Pui O H., Happy Valley Sunset Peak H., Happy Valley Li Yuen H. 2nd Sha Tin Kut Cheong H., Sha Tin Chengdu H. 3rd Sha Tin The Hong Kong Club Challenge Cup, Sha Tin Tai Mei Tuk H., Sha Tin Chater H.

VIVA LA DANSKE. 3 wins 1200 to 2200 m. and $14,767 in New Zealand.

Viva la Quatz. Started once in New Zealand. Dam of--

JOKER DELIGHT. 1 win at 1800 m. and $32,108 in Malaysia.

Rumbleinthejungle. Placed at 2200 m. 3rd Avondale JC Pgg Wrightson Real Estate 2200.

POETALEE (1992 f by Our Poetic Prince). 2 wins at 1119, 1200 m. and $14,965 in Australia.

FIRST BOLD (1986 c by Without Fear (FR)). 2 wins at 1100, 1400 m. and $18,616 in Australia and Singapore.

SOCRATES (1987 c by Francis Bacon (IRE)). 1 win at 1000 m. and $1,950 in Australia.

Choir Practice (1988 c by Francis Bacon (IRE)). Placed at 1200 m. in Australia.

More Tea Vicar (1995 g by Wonga Prince). Started once in Australia.

Osteo (1994 f by River Rough (NZ)). Started 3 times in Australia.

2nd DAM

INSIDE STORY, by We Don't Know (IRE). 7 wins 7 to 11 f. and $9,158 in New Zealand. Three-quarter sister-in-blood to Biarritz (dam of El Bar). Half-sister to QUETTA, Lonely Lass (grand-dam of Management). Dam of 12 named foals, 11 raced, 8 winners inc.-

BALKAN SECRET (c by Balkan Knight (USA)). 12 wins 1000 to 2060 m. and $81,260 Won Townsville TC Townsville Cup L, SAJC Escort 25's S. L, SAJC Kent Town H., SAJC Moana H., SAJC Cranwell Flying, BATC Perrier H., SAJC Dudley Park H., SAJC James Hall H., BATC B.A.T.C. H., SAJC Hamilton 3YO Novice H. 2nd QTC Easter Cup L, Townsville TC Cleveland Bay H. L, SAJC Belmont H., BATC Channel O Cup, QTC Australia Day Welter H., BATC Whitsunday Village Flying H., QTC South Passage Flying H., BATC Qantas Flying H., SAJC Benghazi S., SAJC Bonython H.

DEEP MYSTERY (c by Agricola (GB)). 11 wins - 1 over hurdles - 1400 to 2800 m. and $26,098 Won CJC Great Autumn H. L. 2nd CJC May H. 3rd Otago RC Dunedin Gold Cup G3, CJC Great Autumn H. L. 4th CJC George Adams H. G3.

WINDU KARYA (c by Val du Fier (FR)). 3 wins 1400 to 2000 m. and $59,123 Won Singapore Queen Elizabeth II Cup L.

Home Office (c by Sir Tristram (IRE)). 5 wins 1280 to 2000 m. and $88,270 Won AJC Winter S., STC Tooheys Stubbies S., AJC Zora Cross H., STC Tooheys Old H., STC Cooks River H. 2nd AJC Garcon H. 3rd BATC Fourex Cup G1, AJC Craven Plate L, STC W.J. McKell Cup L, STC Welter H., AJC Bel-Air Welter H. 4th BATC Chairman's H. L.

Consul's Secret (c by First Consul (USA)). 2 wins at 1200, 1500 m. at 2 and $11,600 Won SAJC Pulteney H., SAJC Golden Fleece 2YO H. 2nd SAJC Cheltenham S. G3.

BALKAN STORY. 2 wins at 1200 m. and $2,596 in New Zealand. Producer.

ERIE. 1 win at 1600 m. and $2,010 in New Zealand. Producer.

Beauty Secret. Unraced. Dam of 6 winners inc.-

BEAU TRIST (c by Sir Tristram (IRE)). 6 wins 1247 to 2400 m. and $118,190 Won Geelong RC Geelong Cup L, VATC Hopetoun H. L, VATC Holt Welter H., VATC Aquanita H. 2nd VATC Liberal H., VRC Galilee H. 3rd VATC Lincoln H., VATC Mentone H. 4th VATC Herbert Power H. G2.

RECORD MONTH. 4 wins 1600 to 2000 m. and $34,860 Won VATC Denise's Joy H., VRC Sister Olive H. Producer.

SECRET BOUQUET. 3 wins at 1400, 1500 m. and $24,490 Won VATC Waratah H., VATC Spring Valley H. 3rd VATC Maroona H., SAJC Raffindale H. 4th VATC 1000 Guineas G1. Dam of--

RAISING KENTUCKY (g by Raise a Cup (USA)). 2 wins at 2000, 2014 m. and $112,180 Won SAJC Veuve Clicquot S. L, AJC 3 YO Restricted H. 2nd STC 3 YO Restricted H. 3rd VRC Victoria Derby G1.

Maybelline. Placed to 1600 m. in Australia. Dam of--

Presidential Suite. Placed at 1500 m. in Australia. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

OVAL AFFAIR (f by King of Roses). 2 wins at 1000, 1200 m. at 2 and $206,960 Won VRC Thoroughbred Breeders S. G3, VRC Cap d'Antibes 1000. 2nd SAJC Excel Rent a Car Plate. 4th SAJC H.C. Nitschke S. L.

Rory's Glory. Started 5 times in Australia. Dam of 5 winners inc.--

ROSSA GLORY (c by Testa Rossa). 1 win at 900 m. at 2 and $74,000. Won VRC Maribyrnong Trial S. L.

Coralee. Started 11 times in Australia. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

AMEN'S DELIGHT. 3 wins 1000 to 1200 m. and $19,785 in Australia 2nd WATC Swan Gold Graduation, WATC Colony Graduation, WATC Primrose H., WATC Lindsay Severn H. 3rd WATC Travewest Tourism Grad, WATC Tab Graduation, WATC Le Var Graduation, WATC Neville Gibson H. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

Journalette (f by Front Page). 7 wins 1000 to 1400 m. and $110,705 Won WATC Lloyd's Gold H., WATC Gascoyne H., WATC Fillies and Mares Three Metro Wins H., WATC Home Liftout Class 6 H., WATC Smith Class 6 H., WATC S J Mills Class 6 H. 2nd WATC Matchmaker S., WATC Yabaroo H., WATC Winter Series H., WATC Margaret River Class 6 H., WATC West Swan Class 6 H. 3rd WATC Sir Ernest Lee-Steere Classic G3, WATC February H., WATC Eastern Temple H., WATC Stanton Park H., WATC Fillies and Mares H., WATC Fillies and Mares H., WATC Jetset Travel Belmont H.

3rd DAM

SO COLD, by Sabaean (GB). Unraced. Half-sister to Cool Charm (dam of The Beau), Biarritz (dam of El Bar). Dam of 9 named foals, all raced, 8 winners inc.-

QUETTA (c by Afghanistan (FR)). 11 wins 7 f. to 1 1/2 m. and $20,233 Won CJC Metropolitan H. L, WRC Watkins H. L, WRC Watkins H. L. 2nd WRC Wellington Racing Club H. G3. 4th WRC Wellington H. L.

EGARDI. 13 wins 1200 to 1800 m. and $9,710 in Australia.

BATTLE TREATY. 4 wins 1400 to 2200 m. and $6,890 in New Zealand 2nd Manawatu RC Apprentices H. 3rd WRC Wilton H.

LONELY LASS. 2 wins at 6 f. and $1,296 in New Zealand. Dam of 5 winners inc.--

LOTS OF IFS. 7 wins 1200 to 1600 m. and $13,345 Won SAJC Watson Graduation S., SAJC Flying H., SAJC Intermediate H., SAJC Intermediate H. 2nd SAJC Desirable S. 3rd SAJC Landcruiser H. Dam of 2 winners inc.--

Management (c by Without Fear (FR)). 2 wins at 1200 m. and $12,475 3rd VRC Flemington S. L.

DEEP FREEZE. 1 win at 1350 m. and $1,546 in Australia. 2nd WATC Paris Graduation S. Producer.

GALLANT TREATY. 1 win at 6 f. at 2 and $558 in Australia. 3rd MVRC Bournefield Park H.

BEAU FROID. 1 win at 1300 m. and $1,475 in Australia.

4th DAM

SHIVER, by Whistling Wind (USA). Unraced. Half-sister to PICAROON. Dam of 9 named foals, 8 raced, 5 winners-

NEGRITA. 1 win at 1750 m. and $3,885. Won STC Brighton Graduation S. 3rd AJC Balgowlah Novice H., STC Enfield Maiden H.

SHAKEN. 3 wins at 6, 7 f. and $3,458 in Australia and Singapore 4th AJC Fernhill H. L.

ICE QUEEN. 1 win at 7 f. and $1,680 in New Zealand.

COOL CHARM. 1 win at 1200 m. and $718 in New Zealand. Dam of 2 winners inc.--

The Beau (c by Beaufort Sea (USA)). 3 wins 1600 to 2000 m. and $32,358 Won CJC Noble Bijou H., WRC Taranaki/hawkes Bay Racing Districts H. 2nd STC Winter Cup L, WRC Mid City Tavern H. 3rd STC W.J. McKell Cup L, CJC Ilam H., CJC Linwood City Pharmacy H., CJC Avon City Ford H., CJC Castaway Island Fiji Trophy.

GINGERLY. 1 win at 6 f. at 2 and $565 in New Zealand.

Biarritz. Started 3 times in New Zealand. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

El Bar (c by Patron Saint (GB)). 6 wins 1600 to 2200 m. and $16,169 2nd Waikato RC Waikato Cup G3, Waikato RC Waikato Wines & Spirits H.

TELLING. 6 wins 1400 to 1700 m. and $7,685 Won BATC Transition H., BATC Novice H., BATC Novice H. 2nd VATC Tooronga H., QTC Novice H. 3rd QTC 1st Novice H., BATC Novice H.

Race Record:  Unraced.

Produce Record: Dam of 8 foals, 3 raced, 1 winner-

1998       (f by Marwina).

1999  Our Marwina (c by Marwina). Started 5 times in Australia.

2000  Suwarti (f by Armidale). Unraced.

2003  Opticalwina (f by Marwina). Placed to 1200 m. in Australia.

2004  SECRET GLANCE (f by High Rolling). 2 wins at 1300, 1600 m. and $25,850 in Australia.

2005  Missed to Half Hennessy.

2006  Not served previous season.

2007  Produce by Sports Works.

2008       (c by Half Hennessy).

2009  Missed to Seidnazar.

2010       (f by Bon Hoffa).