Charlotte De Belle

Charlotte De Belle


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Sold for: $15,000

(GST status not known)

Charlotte De Belle
Secret Savings (USA) 1991
Gulistan (AUS) 1991
25 August 2004
Life no:
Scone 2337 NSW, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Bellerive Stud

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Starcraft (NZ) 2000
Date of last service:2 December 2010
Selling with a foal at foot:No

To be auctioned at:

2011 Australian Easter Broodmare Sale , Lot 353
Sydney, 12-14 Apr 2011
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Jon Freyer , Bellerive Stud

Gundy Rd, Scone 2337 NSW, Australia

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Bay mare       Foaled 2004 

SECRET SAVINGS (USA) Seeking the GoldMr. ProspectorRaise a Native
Con GameBuckpasser
JurisdictionalDamascusSword Dancer
RubitonCenturyBetter Boy (Ire)
RubySeventh Hussar (Fr)
Gulet (GB)KalaglowKalamoun
PacketRoyal Palace

SECRET SAVINGS (USA) (1991). 9 wins-1 at 2-to 1600m, AJC Doncaster H., Gr.1. Sire of 580 rnrs, 387 wnrs, 20 SW, inc. Shamekha (STC Coolmore Classic, Gr.1), Dash for Cash, etc. Sire of the dams of 199 rnrs, 108 wnrs, inc. SW Samaready, Secret Admirer, Night War, Mr Chard, Big Time, SP Stradon, Holy Empire, Craiglea Falcon, Shahad and of De Shamekh, Nimasael, Streetwise Savoire, Alchemy's Eight, Jackpot Queen, Aregee McLaren, Auburn Streak, Falvalea, At All Costs, etc.


1st dam

GULISTAN, by Rubiton. Winner at 1200m in Aust. Sister to RUBIDIUM, half-sister to SALIVATE. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, inc:-

DASH FOR CASH (c by Secret Savings (USA)). 5 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1600m, $1,995,225, VRC Australian Guineas, Gr 1, MRC Futurity S., Gr 1, VRC Debonair S., Gr 3, MRC Autumn S., Gr 3, 2d AJC Doncaster H., Gr 1, All Aged S., Gr 1, MVRC Australia S., Gr 1, STC George Ryder S., Gr 1, VRC Turnbull S., Gr 2, MVRC Bill Stutt S., Gr 2, STC Pago Pago S., Gr 2, VRC Bobbie Lewis H., Gr 3, VATC Vain S., L, Christmas H., L, 3d MRC Memsie S., Gr 2, GCTC Magic Millions 3YO Trophy, RL, VATC Army's Centenary H., 4th VRC LKS Mackinnon S., Gr 1, MVRC Manikato S., Gr 1, MRC JJ Liston S., Gr 2, MVRC Alister Clark S., Gr 2. Sire.

Salaam Dubai (g by Secret Savings (USA)). 7 wins 1000 to 1250m, $554,889 in Aust, Malaysia and U.A.E, Jebel Ali Ekraar S., Nad al Sheba Dubal Trophy, Perak TC Class 1 H., STC Escape to the Races H., Christmas Party at the Races H., 2d Nad al Sheba Al Shindagha Sprint S., Gr 3, Al Dana Investment P., AJC Abdul H., STC Sandie Bizys Millinery H., Nad al Sheba Tam-Wheel P., 3d Nad al Sheba Dubai Golden Shaheen S., Gr 1, Xpress Sprint H.

 Jamrah (f by Secret Savings (USA)). 4 wins 1005 to 1250m, $118,895, AJC Emirates H., STC Stephenson's Food Services H., 2d MVRC Grand Final Live On-Course H., Qantas Airways H., 3d STC Union Hotel North Sydney H., AJC Thakral Holdings Bob Hawke H., 4th AJC Toy Show H., L. Dam of-

 She'smydarl. 2 wins at 1400, 1500m, 2d AJC Orchard Hills H., 3d AJC Camden H.

 Al Nakhla (f by Redoute's Choice). Winner at 1800m, AJC Surry Hills P., 3d STC Freeway Hotel Texas H.

 Little Bro (g by Al Maher). 2 wins at 1100, 1200m in 2011-12, 2d VRC KA Morrison H., 3d MRC JRA H., SAJC Myer Fashion Trophy.

 Ramaadee (g by Snaadee (USA)). 7 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1300m in Aust.

 Evans Road (g by Bao Lack (USA)). 2 wins at 1400m in Aust.

 Awtaar (f by Secret Savings (USA)). Started once. Dam of 2 winners-

 Remember. 3 wins 920 to 1400m, WATC Westspeed 3YO H., 2d WATC Bankwest Business H.

 Absolutelyanything. Winner at 1600m in 2011-12 in Aust.


2nd dam

GULET (GB), by Kalaglow. Unraced. Half-sister to SEA LEVEL, Capstan. Dam of 3 named foals, all winners, inc:-

RUBIDIUM (f Rubiton) 5 wins-1 at 2-1100 to 1600m, $256,850, VRC Edward Manifold S., Gr 2, VATC Tranquil Star S., L, Laurent-Perrier S., L, VRC Mittys World of Sport H., 2d VATC Angus Armanasco S., Gr 3, Summoned S., L, Mahaasin H., 3d VRC Rupert Steele S., Gr 3, Vanity S., L, MVRC Great Western S., L, William Crockett S., L, Concept Sports P., Moonee Valley Tabaret 2YO H., 4th VRC Wakeful S., Gr 2. Producer.

SALIVATE (c Snippets) 6 wins 1200 to 1500m, $149,520, STC Royal Parma S., L, AJC Tokyo H., Raconteur H., 2d NSW Tatt's RC D Dransfield H., L, STC Festival H., L, Newcastle JC Cameron H., L, AJC Gallipoli Flying Welter H., Phyl Smyth H., Brokers' Tip H., 3d STC Darby Munro S., L, Jewel Food Store H, Petersham 2YO H., 4th STC Ajax S., Gr 3, AJC Show County H., L.


Race Record: Started once.


Produce Record: Dam of 2 named foals, 1 to race, 1 winner.

2009  Run for Mun (f by Danzero). Unraced.

2010  Handsome Tycoon (c by Not a Single Doubt). Winner at 2 at 1008m in 2012-13 in Aust.

2011 Missed to Starcraft

2012 (c by Henny Hughes (USA)).

2013 Missed to Denman


Full catalogue pedigree

  CHARLOTTE DE BELLE (AUS) Bay filly 2004  

Secret Savings
Seeking the Gold Mr Prospector Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Con Game Buckpasser
Jurisdictional Damascus Sword Dancer
Resolver Reviewer
Lovely Morning
Rubiton Century Better Boy
Royal Suite
Ruby Seventh Hussar
Briar's Toddy
Gulet Kalaglow Kalamoun
Packet Royal Palace

By SECRET SAVINGS (USA) (B. 1991) Stakes-winner; won 9 races and $1,175,829 Won AJC Doncaster H. G1; sire of 19 SWs (3 G1) Shamekha, Dash for Cash, Swiss Ace, Caymans, Bikkie Tin Blues, Salameh, Thankgodyou'rehere, Madame Pedrille, Twilight Savings, Secret Land, Acorns, Anwaar, Winning Success, Fighting Fund, Love and Money, Secret Flyer, Maybe McLaren, Cent Per Cent, Super Savings and SP Salaam Dubai, Boom Time Savings, Fleet Command, Fawaz, Line Account, etc.; sire of the dams of 2 SWs (1 G1) Secret Admirer, Mr Chard; also winners Auburn Streak, Falvalea, Night War, Teller, Craiglea Falcon, Military Secret, Remember, Miss Debra, Make Me Cry, Hot Sybil, Lucky Moment, Roscado, Innishbeg, Miss Secret, Manhattan Skyline, Sunny Bravia, Demetria, She'Smydarl, Our Freedom, Craiglea Gee Tee, Stash the Fruit, Columbia Queen, etc.

1st DAM

GULISTAN, by Rubiton. 1 win at 1200 m. and $1,800 in Australia. Sister to RUBIDIUM (grand-dam of Hollyweird). Half-sister to SALIVATE. Dam of 11 foals, 8 raced, 6 winners-

DASH FOR CASH (1998 c by Secret Savings (USA)). 5 wins 1000 to 1600 m. and $1,995,225 Won VRC Australian Guineas G1, MRC Futurity S. G1, VRC Debonair S. G3, MRC Australia Day Vase G3. 2nd AJC Doncaster H. G1, STC George Ryder S. G1, AJC All-Aged S. G1, MVRC William Reid S. G1, VRC Turnbull S. G2, MVRC Bill Stutt S. G2, STC Pago Pago S. G2, VRC Bobbie Lewis Quality H. G3, MRC Christmas S. L, MRC Vain S. L. 3rd MRC Memsie S. G2.

Salaam Dubai (2001 g by Secret Savings (USA)). 6 wins 1000 to 1250 m. and $489,738 Won STC Escape to the Races H., STC Christmas Party at the Races H. 2nd Nad Al Sheba Al Shindagha Sprint G3, AJC Abdul H., STC Sandie Bizys Millinery H. 3rd Nad Al Sheba Dubai Golden Shaheen G1.

JAMRAH (1999 f by Secret Savings (USA)). 4 wins 1005 to 1250 m. and $118,895 Won AJC 3 YO Fillies H., STC 3 YO Fillies Special Conditions H. 2nd MVRC Grand Final Live On-Course H., MVRC Qantas Airways H. 3rd STC Fillies and Mares Special Conditions H., AJC 3 YO Fillies Special Conditions H. 4th AJC Toy Show Quality H. L. Dam of--

SHE'SMYDARL. 2 wins at 1400, 1500 m. and $48,580 in Australia 2nd AJC Orchard Hills H. 3rd AJC Camden H.

AL NAKHLA (2006 f by Redoute's Choice). 1 win at 1800 m. and $36,480. Won AJC Surry Hills Maiden Plate. 3rd STC Freeway Hotel Texas Poker H.

RAMAADEE (1997 g by Snaadee (USA)). 7 wins 1000 to 1300 m. and $41,785 in Australia.

EVANS ROAD (1996 g by Bao Lack (USA)). 2 wins at 1400 m. and $9,630 in Australia.

Silver Stash (2005 f by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)). Unraced.

Awtaar (2002 f by Secret Savings (USA)). Started once in Australia. Dam of--

REMEMBER. 3 wins 920 to 1400 m. and $28,610 Won WATC Westspeed 3YO Conditions H.

2nd DAM

GULET (GB), by Kalaglow. Unraced. Half-sister to SEA LEVEL, Capstan. Dam of 3 named foals, all winners inc.-

RUBIDIUM (f by Rubiton). 5 wins 1100 to 1600 m. and $259,450 Won VRC Edward Manifold S. G2, MRC Tranquil Star S. L, MRC Laurent-Perrier S. L, VRC Mittys World of Sport H. 2nd MRC Angus Armanasco S. G3, MRC Summoned S. L, VATC Mahaasin H. 3rd VRC Rupert Steele S. G3, VRC Vanity S. L, MVRC Great Western S. L, MVRC William Crockett S. L, MVRC Concept Sports Plate, MVRC Moonee Valley Tabaret H. 4th VRC Wakeful S. G2. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

LAST BLAZE. 1 win at 1800 m. and $395,037 in Japan. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

Hollyweird (f by Snitzel). 2 wins at 1000, 1100 m. at 2 and $86,500 Won STC Winning Post Restaurant H. 3rd MRC MRC Chairman's S. L.

SALIVATE (c by Snippets). 6 wins 1200 to 1500 m. and $149,580 Won STC Royal Parma S. L, AJC Tooheys Beer Hall Xmas H., AJC Tokyo H. 2nd Newcastle JC Cameron H. L, STC Festival H. L, Tattersalls Club (nsw) Laing and Simmons Quality H. L, AJC Gallipoli Flying Welter H., AJC Mercedes-Benz C Class H., AJC Kellyville Country Club H. 3rd STC Darby Munro S. L, STC 100% Australian Jewel Food Store H., STC Petersham H. 4th STC Ajax S. G3, AJC Show County Quality H. L.

3rd DAM

PACKET, by Royal Palace. 2 wins at 7 f., 1 3/4 m. and $2,449 in Great Britain. Half-sister to MARINER, RAFT, Ripeck (dam of BUOY, BIREME, FLUKE, ANCHOR, KEDGE, BALINGER, Boathouse) (grand-dam of YAWL, Sextant, Sea Fret, SEA ANCHOR, DRY DOCK, Showboat, River Patrol, Northern Find) (third dam of Prowess, Genoa, Clipper, STAYING ON, Pilot, Broke Free, CAVALRY, Sea Road, Welsh Sea, Ocean Ballad, WATER BOATMAN, HILL HOPPER, INDIGENOUS, NORSE DANCER, Rhapsody in Blue, GOOD FAITH, Heads or Tales, BAND GIPSY, Priest Dodge, MAIL THE DESERT, Amarula Ridge, Power Lake, Lake Pleasant, Sir Al, Last Drinks), Grecian Craft (dam of NEMR) (grand-dam of WELD, Krius). Dam of 11 foals, 5 raced, 4 winners-

SEA LEVEL (c by Kind of Hush). 2 wins at 7 f., 1 m. at 2 and $47,241 Won Ascot Autumn S. L. 2nd Newmarket Strutt and Parker S. 3rd Kempton Warren S. L. 4th Sandown Solario S. G3.

Capstan (c by Welsh Pageant). 3 wins at 1 1/2, 1 3/4 m. and $92,800 Won Goodwood Alycidon S., Goodwood Alycidon S., Goodwood March S. 2nd York Yorkshire Cup G2, Newmarket Jockey Club Cup G3, Sandown Henry II S. G3, Doncaster Ribero S. 3rd York Great Voltigeur S. G2. 4th Newmarket Princess of Wales's S. G2, Newmarket Jockey Club S. G3, Ascot Cumberland Lodge S. G3.

ALBACORE. 3 wins at 1 1/4 m. and $26,251 Won Epsom Seven Seas Nightingall S.

COGGLE. 1 win at 1 1/2 m. and $5,531 in Great Britain. Producer.

4th DAM

KYAK, by Big Game. 1 win at 14 1/2 f. and $7,973. Won Doncaster Park Hill S. G2. 2nd Goodwood Nassau S. G2. 3rd Royal Ascot Ribblesdale S. G2. 4th Manchester Lancashire Oaks G3. Half-sister to ARK ROYAL (dam of HERMES, OCEAN, EAGLE), CUTTER (dam of TORPID, ADMIRALS LAUNCH, TEPUKEI, SLOOP, Baggala, Bedeni), CARRACK, Dahabeah, Arctic Lad, Felise (dam of REDLINE), Dinghy (dam of FORCE TEN). Dam of 11 foals, 10 raced, 8 winners inc.-

MARINER (c by Acropolis). 4 wins 11 to 14 1/2 f. and $13,117 Won Royal Ascot King Edward VII S. G2. 2nd Newmarket Jockey Club Cup G3, Ascot David Robinson S. G3. 3rd York Great Voltigeur S. G2, Sandown Royal S. G3. 4th York Acomb S. L.

RAFT (f by Ragusa). 1 win at 8 1/2 f. and $7,569. Won Epsom Princess Elizabeth S. G3. Dam of--

LIGHTER. 3 wins 11 f. to 2 m. and $23,750 Won Ascot Halifax H., Goodwood Bentinck H. 2nd Goodwood William Hill Southern H. 4th Newbury Morland Brewery Trophy L.

RIPECK. 1 win at 1 1/4 m. and $740. Won Newmarket Fillies' Final Maiden S. 2nd York Fountains Maiden S. 4th Lingfield Oaks Trial G3. Dam of 8 winners inc.--

BUOY (c by Aureole). 6 wins at 1 1/2, 1 3/4 m. and $124,884 Won Epsom Coronation Cup G1, York Great Voltigeur S. G2, York Yorkshire Cup G2, Newmarket Princess of Wales's S. G3, Goodwood Predominate S., Newmarket Culford Maiden Plate. 2nd Doncaster St Leger G1, Royal Ascot Hardwicko S. G2, Newmarket Jockey Club S. G3. 3rd Curragh Irish Sweeps Derby G1. 4th Ascot King George VI and Queen Elizabeth S. G1.

BIREME (f by Grundy). 3 wins 7 f. to 1 1/2 m. and $182,493 Won Epsom Oaks G1, York Musidora S. G3, Newmarket Westley Maiden S. 3rd Newmarket Houghton S. L. Dam of--

YAWL (f by Rainbow Quest). 2 wins at 7 f. at 2 and $62,600 Won Newmarket Rockfel S. G3, Newmarket Oh So Sharp S. 2nd Goodwood Lupe S. L. 3rd Newmarket Mayer Parry Stks, York Huntington Graduation S. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

Prowess (f by Peintre Celebre). 1 win at 1 1/2 m. and $42,174. Won York Press Maiden S. 3rd Chester Cheshire Oaks L.

Genoa (f by Zafonic). 1 win at 11 1/2 f. and $23,474. 2nd Newbury Newbury Fillies' Trial S. L. 3rd Ascot Woodcote Stud Maiden S.

Clipper (f by Salse). 1 win at 1 m. at 2 and $17,301. 3rd Newmarket Pretty Polly S. L.

Lakatoi. Placed to 13 3/4 f. 2nd Newmarket Jockey Club 250th Anniversary Maiden S. 3rd Doncaster Unison Trade Union First Past The Post Maiden Fillies' S. C. Dam of--

STAYING ON (g by Invincible Spirit). 4 wins 7 1/4 to 8 1/4 f. and $303,398 Won Doncaster Doncaster Mile S. L. 2nd Curragh International S. G3, Chester Huxley S. G3, Ascot Hampton Court S. L.

FLUKE (f by Grey Sovereign). 4 wins 5 to 7 f. and $12,367 Won Royal Ascot Jersey S. G3, York Duke of York S. G3. 3rd Ascot Diadem S. G2, Newmarket Falmouth S. G3. 4th Newmarket Cheveley Park S. G1. Dam of 3 winners inc.-

Sextant (f by Star Appeal). 2 wins at 1 1/4 m. and $14,496 3rd Haydock Lancashire Oaks G3. Dam of 6 winners inc.--

Pilot (f by Kris). 1 win at 7 f. and $24,471. Won Newmarket Geoffrey Barling S. 2nd York Musidora S. G3.

Sea Fret (f by Habat). 1 win at 6 f. at 2 and $6,303. 2nd Newbury St Catherine's S. L. Producer.

Awash. Placed at 7 f. at 2 in Great Britain. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

Broke Free (f by Free State). 1 win at 1 m. and $3,974. Won Leopardstown Stepaside Mdn Fillies Race. 2nd Curragh Ardoon Stud S. L. Dam of--

Vernon Street (f by Seattle Dancer). 2 wins at 1800, 2000 m. and $101,490 Won Roma Premio Mario Perretti, Roma Premio Southern Arrow. 2nd Roma Premio Marmolada. 3rd Roma Premio Delle Repubbliche Marinare L, Roma Premio Torricola L, Leopardstown Murphystown EBF 2 YO Fillies Maiden. Producer.

ANCHOR (f by Major Portion). 1 win at 7 f. and $3,231. Won Newmarket Nell Gwyn S. G3. 4th York Yorkshire Oaks G1, Royal Ascot Coronation S. G2. Dam of 4 winners inc.-

SEA ANCHOR (c by Alcide). 5 wins 1 1/4 m. to 19 f. and $75,202 Won Royal Ascot King Edward VII S. G2, Doncaster Doncaster Cup G3, Sandown Henry II S. G3, Goodwood Goodwood Stakes, Sandown Wheatsheaf Maiden Plate. 2nd York Great Voltiguer S. G2, Newmarket Chesterton Maiden Plate. 3rd Royal Ascot Gold Cup G1, York Yorkshire Cup G2.

SEA BALLAD. 1 win at 7 f. at 2 and $3,874 in Great Britain. 2nd Epsom Evelyn Hcap S. Dam of--

Reef Song. Started once in Great Britain. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

NAVY BLUES. 1 win at 1200 m. and $7,289. Won Waikato RC Maxamore Maiden 1200. Dam of 5 winners inc.--

Felixtrinidad (c by Loup Sauvage (USA)). 8 wins 1000 to 1600 m. and $154,140 Won BTC The Kim Walters Choices Program Conditions H., QTC Norris Motor Group Country Cup. 2nd BTC Hardy Brothers Jewellers Class 2 H. 3rd Ipswich TC Eye LIner S. L, QTC ascot H. L, BTC Brisbanetimes.Com.Au Class 6 H., BTC The Imagetec Solutions 3 YO Class 6 H.

Killick. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

CAVALRY (c by Best Western). 6 wins 1000 to 1400 m. and $94,900 Won VRC Black Douglas S. G3, VRC Australian Airlines Plate, STC Diners Club H., STC Welter H., VRC Father Christmas H., STC Kogarah Probus Club H. 2nd VATC Mercedes-Benz L, VRC The Hardy Brothers 1200, STC Welter H. 3rd AJC Maltine H.

Sea Road (c by Whiskey Road (USA)). 7 wins 1008 to 1632 m. and $51,625 Won STC Eta Foods H., QTC Perrier Graduation S., BATC City Graduation S., BATC Battle Heights Graduation S., QTC Tooheys Draught H., QTC Charlton Intermediate H., BATC Prunda Progressive H. 2nd AJC Villiers S. G3, BATC General Corp Flying H., STC Tooheys 2.2 H. 3rd QTC Corinda Graduation S., BATC Kirks Novice H.

Cedar Lake. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners inc.--

STARK VADER. 1 win at 1200 m. and $2,961 in New Zealand. Dam of 2 winners inc.--

Our Star Pupil (g by Pupil). 5 wins at 1600, 2100 m. and $90,486 2nd Bay of Plenty RC Owens Trophy L, Bay of Plenty RC Owens Trophy L. 4th Bay of Plenty RC Japan/NZ International Trophy G2.

Sea Pageant. Unraced. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

Welsh Sea (c by Vitiges). 1 win at 1 1/4 m. and $14,535. Won Phoenix Park Olympic Bloodstock Mdn. 2nd Curragh Ounavarra Race. 3rd Leopardstown Derby Trial S. G2, Phoenix Park Jack of Trumps Ext H.

Ocean Ballad (f by Grundy). 2 wins at 1 1/2 m. and $19,435 Won Doncaster Rosehill H. 2nd Goodwood Scottish Salmon H. 3rd Newmarket Fred Archer S. L. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

Rahy Rose (f by Rahy). 3 wins 1800 to 2250 m. and $71,328 2nd Milano Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano L, Roma Premio Bellini. Dam of--

Bilander. Placed at 9 f. at 2 in Great Britain. Dam of 3 winners inc.-

Humbert's Landing (c by Cyrano de Bergerac). 3 wins at 5, 6 f. and $97,087 Won Ascot Albermarle H. 2nd Taby Taby Open Sprint Championship L. 3rd Goodwood Vodac Stewards' Cup.

Sea Harrier. Started twice in Great Britain. Dam of 6 winners inc.--

WATER BOATMAN (c by Main Reef). 11 wins 1600 to 3200 m. and $681,324 Won SAJC Adelaide Cup G1, SAJC West End Export S. G3, SAJC Rain Lover Plate G3, SAJC Cheltenham Cup G3, Oakbank RC Onkaparinga Cup L, Oakbank RC Onkaparinga Cup L, Doncaster Troy S. L, York Fountains S., SAJC Westfield Shopping H. 2nd VATC Caulfield Cup G1, Curragh Gallinule S. G2, SAJC West End Export S. G3, SAJC Robert A. Lee S. L, SAJC River Rough Welter H. 3rd SAJC Rain Lover Plate G3.

HILL HOPPER (f by Danehill). 4 wins at 6, 7 f. and $85,794 Won Newmarket Van Geest Criterion S. G3, Doncaster Sceptre S. L. 2nd Goodwood Cocked Hat S. Dam of 6 winners inc.--

NANNINA (f by Medicean). 5 wins 6 f. to 1 m. and $1,189,207 Won Royal Ascot Coronation S. G1, Newmarket Fillies' Mile S. G1, Ascot Windsor Forest S. G2, Goodwood Prestige S. G3. 2nd Newmarket Falmouth S. G1, Newmarket Sun Chariot S. G1. 3rd Goodwood Nassau S. G1, Epsom Princess Elizabeth S. G3, Newbury Princess Margaret S. G3. 4th Newmarket Falmouth S. G1, Leopardstown Matron S. G1.

SEA VIXEN. 2 wins at 6 f., 1 m. and $18,191 in Great Britain. Dam of 2 winners inc.--

Worchester (c by Spinning World). 3 wins at 1200, 1300 m. and $192,387 2nd Lyon Parilly Criterium de Lyon L. 4th Deauville Criterium du Fonds Europeen de l'Elevage RL, Hollywood Park Bullet S.-R O.

GLENDERA. 1 win at 1 1/4 m. and $22,969 in Great Britain. 2nd York Coldstream Guards Association Cup. 3rd Curragh Irish Lincolnshire EBF Extended H., Leopardstown Burmah Lincolnshire EBF Trial Extended H., Phoenix Park Crawley Warren EBF Extended H. Dam of-

Gurkha (c by Polish Precedent). 1 win at 6 f. at 2 and $27,515. Won York Yorkshire-Tyne Tees Television Maiden S. 2nd Kempton Easter S. L. 4th Curragh Tetrarch S. G3.

Castara Beach. Started 5 times in Great Britain. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

STEINBECK (c by Footstepsinthesand). 3 wins 6 to 8 1/2 f. and $185,815 Won Curragh Solonaway S. G3, Killarney Ruby S. L. 2nd Leopardstown Meld S. G3. 4th Newmarket Dewhurst S. G1, Curragh Irish 2000 Guineas G1.

Varenka (f by Fasliyev). 1 win at 7 1/2 f. at 2 and $41,183. 2nd Roma Premio Repubbliche Marinare L. Producer.

Sea Port. Started 3 times in Great Britain and Ireland. Dam of--

INDIGENOUS (g by Marju). 15 wins 1600 to 2400 m. and $9,638,060 Won Sha Tin Hong Kong Champions and Chater Cup HK-1, Sha Tin Hong Kong Champions and Chater Cup HK-1, Sha Tin Hong Kong Gold Cup HK-1, Sha Tin Hong Kong Gold Cup HK-1, Sha Tin Hong Kong International Vase G2, Sha Tin Centenary Vase HK-3, Sha Tin Sha Tin Futurity Trophy HK-3, Sha Tin Sha Tin Trophy HK-3, Sha Tin ATV Cup, Sha Tin Silver Tankard, Sha Tin National Panasonic Cup, Curragh Silken Thomas H.

Sea of Diamonds. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners inc.--

Jewel of Ireland (f by Nassipour (USA)). 1 win at 2100 m. and $13,851. Won WATC Woolard Class 6 H. 2nd WATC Belmont Oaks L. Producer.

MORE DIAMONDS. 2 wins at 1100 m. and $17,050 in Australia 2nd QTC Blue Slipper H. Dam of 2 winners inc.-

JESSICABEEL (f by Zabeel (NZ)). 5 wins 1550 to 3200 m. and $464,900 Won AJC Sydney Cup G1, AJC AJC Chairman's H. G2, STC De Bortoli Wines H., AJC Munday H., STC Woodstock Bourbon & de Bortoli Wines H. 3rd AJC Aspiration Quality L, STC Epona S. L.

Ela Cassini. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

Cassini Contest (f by Danehill Dancer (IRE)). 1 win at 1400 m. and $29,460. 2nd MVRC Otway Partners H. 3rd SAJC Oaklands Plate L, VRC The Moet & Chandon.

KEDGE (c by Petition). 2 wins at 6 f., 1 1/4 m. and $2,694 Won Newmarket Rous Memorial S. L. 3rd Epsom St James S. G3.

BALINGER (c by Welsh Pageant). 10 wins 1 1/4 m. to 22 1/4 f. and $63,204 Won Royal Ascot Queen Alexandra S. L, York Melrose H., Newmarket March H., Newmarket Running Gap S.

Boathouse (f by Habitat). 2 wins at 7 1/4 f., 1 m. and $20,511 Won Goodwood Crown of Crowns S. 3rd Newmarket Sun Chariot S. G2. Dam of 3 winners--

DRY DOCK (c by High Line). 2 wins at 1 m., 12 1/4 f. and $140,317 Won Chester Chester Vase G3, Newmarket Soltykoff S. 2nd York Great Voltigeur S. G2. 3rd Doncaster St Leger G1. 4th Newmarket Princess of Wales's S. G2.

Showboat (c by Warning). 5 wins 7 to 9 f. and $397,876 Won Ascot Royal Hunt Cup H., Newmarket Grantchester H. 2nd Goodwood (Chichester Festival Theatre) H., Doncaster Sponsorship Club Conditions S. 3rd Newmarket Criterion S. G3, York Hambleton S. L, Newmarket Grantchester Rated H., Doncaster Arksey Conditions S., Doncaster Nairobi H., Newmarket Bt Racepager Conditions S. 4th Newbury Hungerford S. G3, Ascot Silver Trophy L.

River Patrol (f by Rousillon). 1 win at 10 1/4 f. and $18,998. 2nd Newcastle Virginia S. L, Newmarket J.M. Ratcliffe Running Gap S. 3rd Newmarket Girton S., Newmarket Kings Park Homes Canvey Island Apprentice S. Dam of 8 winners inc.--

NORSE DANCER (c by Halling). 4 wins 7 to 9 f. and $1,691,701 Won Salisbury Sovereign S. G3, Newmarket Earl of Sefton S. G3, Ascot Alfred Franks and Bartlett Sunglasses Novice S. 2nd Newbury King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond S. G1, Leopardstown Irish Champion S. G1, York International S. G1. 3rd Newmarket 2000 Guineas G1, Goodwood Sussex S. G1, Newbury Lockinge S. G1. 4th Epsom Derby G1, Sandown Eclipse S. G1, Newmarket Champion S. G1.

Rhapsody in Blue (f by Winged Love). 1 win at 2200 m. and $21,319. 3rd Munchen Riemer Steher Trophy L. 4th Hannover Herbst Stuten Steher Preis L.

Head of the River. Placed at 1 1/2 m. in Great Britain. Dam of 7 winners inc.--

GOOD FAITH (f by Straight Strike (USA)). 2 wins at 1200, 1400 m. at 2 and $108,031 Won AuRC Ellerslie Sires' Produce S. G1, AuRC Foal S. G3. 2nd Matamata RC Matamata Breeders' S. G2. 3rd Waikato RC Fairview Ford S. L.

Heads or Tales (f by Tale of the Cat (USA)). 3 wins at 1400, 1600 m. and $17,277 Won AuRC Robert Harris Espresso H., CJC Maneline Farrier Supplies 3YO H. 3rd Otago RC New Zealand Bloodstock Insurance S. L.

Charlotte Dundas. Placed at 15 1/2 f. in Great Britain. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

BAND GIPSY (c by Gilded Time). 1 win and $0. Won Gavea Grande Premio Presidente da Republica G1. 2nd Gavea Grande Premio Presidente Emilio Garrastazu Medici G2.

Priest Dodge (c by Dodge). 2 wins at 1100 m. and $235 3rd Gavea Grande Premio Onze de Julho G2.

Mail Boat. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners inc.--

MAIL THE DESERT (f by Desert Prince). 2 wins at 6, 7 f. at 2 and $482,298 Won Curragh Moyglare Stud S. G1. 2nd Hoppegarten Berlin Brandenburg-Trophy G2, Goodwood Prestige S. G3. 3rd Royal Ascot Coronation S. G1, Sandown Star S. L. 4th Deauville Prix Roland de Chambure L, Royal Ascot Henry Carnarvon S. L.

Amarula Ridge (c by Indian Ridge). 2 wins at 7, 9 f. and $54,992 Won Curragh Support The Blue Cross EBF Maiden. 3rd Curragh Loughbrown S. L, Leopardstown Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial S. L.

Laugharne. Started once in Great Britain. Dam of 5 winners inc.--

Power Lake (c by Formidable). 6 wins 1000 to 1059 m. and $113,987 Won Doncaster Bramall Construction Graduation S. 2nd Doncaster Flying Childers S. G2, Newmarket Chesterfield S. L. 3rd Ascot Cornwallis S. G3, Royal Ascot Norfolk S. G3. 4th Newmarket Middle Park S. G1.

Lake Pleasant (f by Elegant Air). 1 win at 6 f. at 2 and $20,390. Won Newmarket Princess S. 3rd Ascot Princess Margaret S. G3.

Shallop. Started 4 times in Great Britain. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

Sir Al (c by Desert Prince). 4 wins at 1 m. and $161,586 2nd Hawthorne Hawthorne Derby G3. 4th Santa Rosa Joseph T. Grace H. O.

Stake Boat. Placed to 1 3/4 m. in Great Britain. Dam of--

Northern Find (c by Sir Tristram (IRE)). 4 wins at 1600, 1900 m. and $48,720 Won STC 3 YO and Up Restricted H., AJC 4 YO and Up Restricted H., AJC 4 YO and Up H- and -G Restricted H. 2nd VRC Queen Elizabeth S. G2. 3rd STC Orlando H., STC Phoenix H., STC Group 99 H.

Dance on Water. Unraced. Dam of--

Last Drinks (f by Straight Strike (USA)). 1 win at 880 m. at 2 and $21,807. 2nd Counties RC Counties Challenge S. L, Avondale JC Ra Ora Juvenile H.

CHARTER. 2 wins at 1, 1 1/2 m. and $2,200 in Great Britain.

DORY. 1 win at 15 f. and $1,329 in Great Britain. 2nd York Dalton S.

GALLEON. 1 win at 1 3/4 m. and $1,668 in Great Britain.

BUTTY. 1 win at 1 1/2 m. and $2,320 in Great Britain.

Grecian Craft. Placed at 6 f. at 2 2nd Ascot Cunard S. 4th Epsom Princess Elizabeth S. G3. Dam of 4 winners inc.--

NEMR (c by Thatch). 3 wins at 2000, 2200 m. and $26,022 Won Milano Premio Federico Tesio G2, Deauville Prix Gontaut-Biron G3, Longchamp Prix la Force G3. 2nd Saint-Cloud Prix le Roi Soleil L. 3rd Saint-Cloud Prix Eugene Adam G2.

MELIORA. 1 win at 7 f. and $3,598 in Great Britain. Dam of 7 winners inc.--

WELD (c by Kalaglow). 5 wins 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 m. and $192,860 Won Newmarket Jockey Club Cup G3, Doncaster Doncaster Cup G3, Royal Ascot Queen's Vase L, York Lonsdale S. L, Newmarket Matthew Dawson S. 3rd York Silver Cup L.

Krius (c by Shirley Heights). 1 win at 1 3/4 m. and $20,129. Won York Lambson Graduation S. 2nd Newmarket Bahrain Trophy L.

Race Record:  Started once in Australia.

Produce Record: Dam of 2 foals, none raced.

2009       (f by Danzero).

2010       (c by Not a Single Doubt).

2011       ( by Starcraft (NZ)).