Miss Onthetop

Well related filly out of a Last Tycoon mare


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(GST status not known)

Miss Onthetop
Bradbury's Luck (AUS) 2002
Shaharanee (AUS) 1994
4 October 2007
Theresa Park 2570 NSW, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:No
Selling with a foal at foot:No

Miss onthetop is ready to embark on life as a broodmare after succumbing to a bowed tendon.
Out of a Last Tycoon mare and by Bradbury's Luck she is closely related to a number of Stakes horses including Salade - recent winner of the Pago Pago, Zutara, Ishikaga. Matras, Tropical Affair, Just as Beautiful etc.
All inspections welcome.


Make an Enquiry

Brian McGrath

825 Werombi Road, Theresa Park 2570 NSW, Australia

Mobile Phone
0246512724 0400377115
Int'l mobile Int'l phone
+61246512724 +61400377115

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This service is only available for offers of $1,000 or above

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Grey filly       Foaled 2007 

BRADBURY'S LUCK Redoute's ChoiceDanehill (USA)Danzig
Shantha's ChoiceCanny Lad
SkatingAt Talaq (USA)Roberto
RaffettRaffindale (GB)
Last Tycoon (Ire)Try My BestNorthern Dancer
Mill PrincessMill Reef
Just as LovelyBletchinglyBiscay
Stick to BeautyDignitas (USA)

BRADBURY'S LUCK (AUS) (Grey 2002-Stud 2006). 2 wins at 2, AJC Canonbury S., L. Sire of 77 rnrs, 41 wnrs, inc. SW Ringa Ringa Rosie (BRC Hampden S., L), SP Skating on Ice, In a Tangle and of Cash Luck, A Beta Imagination - Perfect Cheers (H.K.), Blades of Glory, Lucky Doris, Luckygray, Blue Ginger, Fire Up Fifi, Nuptse, Lucky Tycoon, Always Loyal, More Luck, Seductive Grey, Stephen Got Even, All Fall Down, Elegance on Ice, Kennecott, King Utah, etc. His oldest progeny are 3YOs.


1st dam

SHAHARANEE, by Last Tycoon (Ire). Placed at 3 in Aust. Half-sister to TROPICAL AFFAIR (dam of MATRAS), Just as Beautiful (dam of SALADE). Dam of 6 foals, none raced, inc:-

 Flitch (f by Charnwood Forest (Ire)) Unraced. Dam of-

 Saint Sebastian . 4 wins at 1000m, 2d QTC Ashgrove Air H., MRC Moss Rocket H., 3d MVRC Aitken Hill Events Venue H., MRC Syntax H.


2nd dam

JUST AS LOVELY, by Bletchingly. Winner at 1600m, AJC Evening Peal H., 2d STC Tooheys Draught S., 3d STC West City Holden H., Panania WBC H. Dam of 12 named foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, inc:-

TROPICAL AFFAIR (f Danehill) Winner at 2 at 900m, VRC Maribyrnong Trial S., L, 2d VRC Bloodhorse Breeders' S., Gr 2, 3d MVRC William Inglis & Son H. Dam of 6 winners-

MATRAS (f Zabeel) 6 wins 1300 to 1600m, $198,100, MVRC Tesio S., Gr 3, MRC Classic Caulfield Ladies' Day Vase H., VRC Torquay H., MRC Matrice H., Le Pine Funeral Services P. Dam of-

Zutara (f Encosta de Lago) Winner at 2 at 1000m, $135,200, in 2009-10, AJC Autumn Carnival Package on Sale Now 2YO H., 2d AJC Reginald Allen H., L, 3d STC Silver Slipper S., Gr 2, AJC Sweet Embrace S., Gr 3, STC Bacardi Breezer H., 4th MRC Sportingbet S., L.

Ashikaga (g Fusaichi Pegasus) 5 wins 1200 to 1400m, $186,650, STC Fenech Boxing H., Sorbent Facial Tissue Welter H., AJC Cemex H., STC Clubs NSW Western Metropolitan Region H., 2d Newcastle JC Cameron H., Gr 3.

 Stage Performer . 2 wins at 1350, 1600m in 2009-10, 3d AJC John R Turk H.

Just as Beautiful (f Beautiful Crown) 2 wins at 2 at 1100m, 3d Canberra RC Black Opal S., Gr 3. Dam of-

SALADE (c Snitzel) Winner at 2 at 1200m, $156,150, in 2010-11, ATC Pago Pago S., Gr 2.

 Tobacco . 7 wins 1000 to 1400m, $124,486 in Aust and Malaysia, Perak TC Class 1 H., BTC Ansett Australia H., Courier-Mail's New Life H., QTC Divide & Rule H., 2d Selangor TC Class 1 H., 3d Penang TC Pesta Pulau Pinang Cup, VATC Galleon H., Qld Tatt's RC Express Post H.

 Winged Star . Winner at 2 at 1200m, STC Cronulla RSL H., 2d AJC Te Poi 2YO H., 3d AJC Cuddle H.

 Kendrick Lad . 10 wins–1 at 2–1200 to 1600m, 2d BTC Sky Channel H., 3d QTC John Holland Mile H.

 Kaybee . 3 wins 1010 to 1510m to 2009-10 in Aust.

 Copious . 2 wins–1 at 2–at 1008, 1211m in Aust.

 Sovereign Song . Unplaced. Dam of-

Gentry (g King Charlemagne) Winner at 1221m, 2d MRC Nearest H., Debby Montgomery Cup H., MVRC Members Equity Bank H., 3d VRC AR Creswick S., L, MRC Burrabil H.


3rd dam

STICK TO BEAUTY, by Dignitas (USA). Started twice. Sister to PRINCESS TALARIA, half-sister to Sticks and Stones. Dam of 4 foals, all raced, 3 winners, inc:-

 Palikero . 16 wins 1100 to 1900m, STC Pyrmont H.

 Just as Lovely . Winner. See above.


Race Record: Unraced.