Metung Ruby

Reset Mare from Drawn Dam Line


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(GST status not known)

Metung Ruby
Reset (AUS) 2000
Ruby Draw (AUS) 1999
6 August 2005
Life no:
Moss Vale 2577 NSW, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:No
Selling with a foal at foot:No

16 hh big fine mare, ready to breed. First foal syndicated and will be raced by City stable - Breed your own Pinka Pinka!

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Pamela Bice

268 Yarrawa Road, Moss Vale 2577 NSW, Australia

Mobile Phone
04 1388 7384 0248683966
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+61413887384 +61248683966

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Bay mare       Foaled 2005 

RESET ZabeelSir Tristram (Ire)Sir Ivor
Lady Giselle (Fr)Nureyev
Assertive LassZeditaveThe Judge
Sommes Sound (USA)Assert
Encosta de LagoFairy King (USA)Northern Dancer
Shoal CreekStar Way (GB)
Penny DrawIdomeneo (GB)Alycidon
Long DrawPipe of Peace (GB)

RESET (AUS) (2000). 5 wins to 1600m, VRC Australian Guineas, Gr.1. Sire of 396 rnrs, 207 wnrs, 17 SW, inc. Rebel Raider (Victoria Derby, Gr.1), Pinker Pinker, Set for Fame, Knight's Tour, Goon Serpent, Well Rounded, Avienus, Cassini, Vatuvei, Yourein, Saxford, Set the Trend, Warpath, Cornelia Marie, Frozone, Likefatherlikeson, Moulin Lady, SP Classic Elle, Resetgold, Musigny, Upon, Wave Aside and of Dubai Set, Hierarchy, Star of Giselle, etc.


1st dam

RUBY DRAW, by Encosta de Lago. Placed at 2 in Aust. Half-sister to DRAWN. Dam of 6 named foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-

 Jackson Rocks (g by Fastnet Rock). 2 wins at 1600, 1850m to 2011-12, WATC Membership at H., 3d WATC H.-twice.

 Geebeetee (g by Falvelon). 5 wins 1000 to 1300m, 3d QTC Brisbane Bloodstock Bonus 2YO H.

 Metung Ruby (f by Reset). Winner. See below.

 Sergeant Lincoln (g by Elvstroem). Placed at 3 in 2011-12.


2nd dam

PENNY DRAW, by Idomeneo (GB). Unplaced. Sister to Makutu, half-sister to BETTER DRAW (dam of FULL ON ACES), SPECIAL DRAW, WISE DRAW,  Kalo (dam of DRAW CARD). Dam of 14 foals, 13 to race, 10 winners, inc:-

DRAWN (c Star Shower) Joint top of The 1985-86 Australasian 3YO Classification (1300m-2000m). 7 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 2000m, $533,710, VATC Caulfield Guineas, Gr 1, STC Rosehill Guineas, Gr 1, AJC All-Aged S., Gr 1, Apollo S., Gr 2, STC Shannon H., Gr 3, AJC Empire Link H., NSW Tatt's RC Palsonic TV H., 2d AJC George Main S., Gr 1, STC George Ryder S., Gr 1, Rawson S., Gr 1, Hill S., Gr 2, Premiere S., Gr 3, 3d MVRC WS Cox P., Gr 1, STC Canterbury Guineas, Gr 1, AJC Hobartville S., Gr 2. Sire.

 Kailey Glory - Ramon Per Glory (Mac.). 9 wins 1200 to 1800m, $339,836 in Aust and Macau, MVRC Powerade H., 3d Macau Wheel Challenge Cup, VRC Raveneaux H., MVRC Super VOBIS The King H.

 Our Draw. 6 wins 1200 to 1619m, MVRC Noritake Bone China H., Savoir H., Island Cooler Original H., Sydenham H., Sprite H. Dam of 7 winners-

 London Gambler. 5 wins-2 at 2-1000 to 1400m, $102,290, AJC Sam Hordern H., City Tatt's RC Bookmakers Co-Op Society H., AJC Bayley Payten H., STC Ellerslie H., 2d AJC Northwest Executive Class H., STC Acorn H.

 Our Hula Girl. 5 wins-2 at 2-1100 to 1403m, $122,400, VRC Taj Eclipse H., MVRC Marchants H., VATC Tuckerbag Supermarket H., Mahaasin H., 2d MVRC Boardwalk Angel H., VATC Ascot H., Archie Yuille H., Fatigue Kills H., Toltrice H., 3d VATC Imposera H., Rotary Club Caulfield Rosstown 2YO H., 4th VRC Vanity S., L. Producer.

 Penny Version. Winner at 2 at 1300m in Aust. Dam of 5 winners-

Danzig Star (f Roi Danzig (USA)) 3 wins at 1400, 1500m, 2d VATC Goldenway H., 3d VATC Debutante S., L, 4th VRC Ottawa S., L. Producer.

 Miss Draw. Winner at 1200m in Aust. Dam of 9 winners-

 Miss Drawcard. Winner at 2 at 1000m, MRC Toy Show 2YO H., 2d VRC Hay Group H., MVRC Carlton Draught 2YO H., Jands Production Services 2YO H., Flying Halo H. Producer.


3rd dam

LONG DRAW, by Pipe of Peace (GB). Placed at 3 in Aust. Half-sister to YOUNG GALLANT,  Midette (dam of ROADWISE). Dam of 12 named foals, all raced, 7 winners, inc:-

BETTER DRAW (f Better Boy (Ire)) 10 wins-2 at 2-1000 to 2500m, $142,465, VRC Queen Elizabeth S., 3d MVRC WS Cox P. Dam of 2 winners-

FULL ON ACES (c Kaoru Star) 3 wins at 2 at 1200, 1400m, $230,430, STC Golden Slipper S., Gr 1, AJC Sires' Produce S., Gr 1, VRC Sires' Produce S., Gr 1, 3d VRC Blamey S., Gr 2, Gibson-Carmichael S., L. Sire.

Top of the Pack (c Kaoru Star) 4 wins at 1200, 1400m, STC Alwina H., 2d VRC Ascot Vale S., Gr 2. Sire.

 Proud Draw. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners-

Perfect Draw (f Whiskey Road (USA)) 4 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1400m, MVRC Governor Phillip H., 2d VATC Blue Diamond Prelude, Gr 3. Dam of 6 winners-

MY JULIET (f Canny Lad) 5 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1300m, $127,510, VATC Gwyn Nursery S., L, SAJC Alan Sheppard Homes H. Dam of 6 winners-

MNEMOSYNE (f Encosta de Lago) Joint top filly on The 2005-06 Australasian 3YO Classification. 6 wins-1 at 2-1100 to 1600m, $1,371,975, MRC Thousand Guineas, Gr 1, STC Queen of the Turf S., Gr 1. Producer.

SPECIAL DRAW (f Croft What's Wanted (GB)) 4 wins 7f to 1m, VRC Edward Manifold S. Dam of 5 winners-

 Right Draw. Started twice. Dam of 10 winners-

SLICK DRAW (c Jukebox (GB)) 5 wins-4 at 2-at 1000, 1100m, VATC Blue Diamond Prelude, L, 3d VATC Blue Diamond S., Gr 1.

WISE DRAW (c Prince Poppa (Ire)) 6 wins-4 at 2-1000 to 1400m, VRC Flemington International H., 2d VRC Linlithgow S.

Makutu (g Idomeneo (GB)) 8 wins 1400 to 1700m, BATC Handicap-4 times, 2d VRC Byron Moore S.

 Kalo. Winner at 1200m, 2d VRC Kilbride H. Dam of 6 winners-

DRAW CARD (f Arch Sculptor (GB)) 5 wins-3 at 2-at 1000, 1200m, $220,385, STC Magic Night S., Gr 2, 3d VRC Sires' Produce S., Gr 1. Dam of 6 winners-

Separate Deal (f At Talaq (USA)) 3 wins-1 at 2-1050 to 1600m, SAJC Olyroos H., 3d VATC Mercedes-Benz S., L. Dam of 5 winners-

ULFAH (f Encosta de Lago) Winner at 2 at 1200m, $192,250, MRC Pol Roger Chairman's S., L, 2d VRC Sires' Produce S., Gr 2.

 Danceathon. Winner at 1300m in Aust. Dam of 4 winners-

JUMPIN' JIVE (g Rory's Jester) 5 wins-2 at 2-1000 to 1400m, VATC Blue Diamond Prelude, Gr 3.

 Drawaway. Started twice. Dam of 9 winners-

Special Sculpture (f Arch Sculptor (GB)) 7 wins-2 at 2-1100 to 2040m, $146,900, VATC Geoff Brady Commodore H., 3d VATC Fashion S., Gr 3. Producer.

War Danger - Piece of Cake (Mal.) (g Military Plume (NZ)) 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1200m in Aust and Malaysia, MVRC Orbit Homes H., 2d VRC WJT Clarke S., L.


Race Record: Winner at 1959m in Aust.


Produce Record: Dam of 1 foal.

2010  Metungpenny (f by Pendragon (NZ)). Unraced.

2011 Not served previous season.


Served by Apologia. Date of last service, 21.11.2011.


Full Race Record for

METUNG RUBY (AUS) 2005 Bay filly
by Reset - Ruby Draw, by Encosta de Lago


(in Australia)

11/Jun/20087th--trial--Cranbourne TC 2yo & Up Trial, 990m. 9 ran. Dashaheart was 1st and Organised 2nd and A Way With Dames 3rd.
26/Jun/20084thBallarat TC 2YO Maiden P., A$13,800, 1400m, time 1:30.00. Track heavy. 5 ran. Carried 53.0kg (allowance -1.5kg). Pricked was 1st and The Perugian 2nd and Blevic Bay 3rd.A$600
18/Dec/20085thKyneton DRC NMIT Maiden P., A$13,000, 1469m, time 1:30.26. Track dead(5). 8 ran. Carried 57.0kg. Sorren Tessa was 1st and Unaffected Jeuney 2nd and Northwood Lass 3rd.A$250
04/Jan/20094thBairnsdale RC Crowther & Sadler Maiden P., A$20,250, 1600m, time 1:35.73. Track good(2). 9 ran. Carried 54.5kg. Mega Star Milly was 1st and The French Doctor 2nd and Naturalbornkiller 3rd.A$500
12/Jan/20098thStony Creek RC Royal Standard Hotel Toora Maiden H., A$10,500, 1614m, time 1:39.56. Track dead(4). 11 ran. Carried 54.5kg. Chosen One was 1st and Mio Mondo 2nd and Beaming Bella 3rd.A$250
26/Jan/20092ndHanging Rock RC Kingston Trophies Maiden H., A$6,680, 1900m, time 1:59.89. Track good(3). 10 ran. Carried 54.5kg. Mio Mondo was 1st and Seattle City 3rd.A$1,096
10/Feb/20093rdPakenham RC Booralite Park Training Maiden H., A$11,250, 1770m, time 1:52.00. Track dead(4). 7 ran. Carried 56.5kg. Zambi was 1st and Sprinzan 2nd.A$1,050
22/Feb/20091stYarra Valley RC De Bortoli Maiden H., A$16,750, 1959m, time 2:03.61. Track good(3). 7 ran. Carried 55.5kg. Jester Jeune was 2nd and Shdaad 3rd.A$10,400
25/May/20097th--trial--AJC Barrier Trial, 1050m, time 1:04.90. Track slow. 7 ran. Mon Biscuit was 1st and Lonhroson 2nd and Jungle Tessla 3rd.
29/Jun/20093rd--trial--AJC Barrier Trial, 797m, time 0:50.10. Track h. 6 ran. Belle Soleil was 1st and Sail Rock 2nd.
03/Jul/20096thGoulburn DRC Seidnazar at Riverdene Stud H., A$14,000, 1300m, time 1:20.09. Track s. 14 ran. Carried 57.5kg. Etype was 1st and Minnie Marj 2nd and Shalimar Fantasy 3rd.
15/Jul/20094thSTC Rosehill Gardens Event Centre H., A$27,000, 1550m, time 1:38.26. Track heavy(8). 12 ran. Carried 53.0kg (allowance -2.0kg). Dolliparton was 1st and Deutsche 2nd and Gypsy Googol 3rd.A$1,080
01/Aug/200910thSTC Night of Champions H., A$70,000, 1500m, time 1:32.58. Track dead(5). 11 ran. Carried 53.0kg. Commands a Smile was 1st and Dolliparton 2nd and Justifier 3rd.
13/Aug/200910thWyong RC Moneywise Group Australia H., A$16,000, 1600m, time 1:41.22. Track dead(4). 10 ran. Carried 53.5kg (allowance -1.5kg). Thwarted was 1st and Bonny Heights 2nd and Newbold Atom 3rd.
10/Sep/20098thHawkesbury RC Action Insurance Brokers H., A$16,000, 1500m, time 1:29.49. Track good(3). 9 ran. Carried 54.0kg. Halleys was 1st and Endear 2nd and Fashion Statement 3rd.