


View pedigree

(GST not applicable)

Canny Lad (AUS) 1987
Catriona (AUS) 1993
6 October 2001
Life no:
Caboolture 4510 QLD, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Kilto Park

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Chosen to Fly (AUS) 2007
Date of last service:25 October 2017
Selling with a foal at foot:No

Caniona has produces the stakes winning filly She Can Skate.
She Can Skate sold for for $210,000 at the Magic Millions Broodmare Sale
Caniona has produced 3 winners from 5 runners.


Make an Enquiry

John Mott , Kilto Park

479 Old Toorbul Point Road , Caboolture 4510 QLD, Australia

Mobile Phone Fax
0400 766 085 0401 317 357 07 5495 5369
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+61400766085 +61401317357 +61754955369


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Bay mare       Foaled 2001 

CANNY LAD BletchinglyBiscayStar Kingdom (Ire)
Coogee (GB)Relic
Jesmond LassLunchtime (GB)Silly Season
Beautiful DreamerCoeur Volant II (GB)
Bellotto (USA)Mr. ProspectorRaise a Native
Shelf TalkerTatán
CaltraSovereign Red (NZ)Sir Tristram (Ire)
Clear ApolloKing Apollo

CANNY LAD (AUS) (1987). 8 wins, STC Golden Slipper S., Gr.1. Sire of 1168 rnrs, 793 wnrs, 55 SW, inc. He's No Pie Eater, etc. Sire of the dams of 1652 rnrs, 1087 wnrs, 37 GW, inc. SW The Conglomerate, Desert War, Gimmethegreenlight, Laser Hawk, River Lad, Manhattan Rain, Ofcourseican, Neroli, Mnemosyne, Kusi, Platinum Scissors, Redoute's Choice, Classic Uniform, Gregers, Sessions, Dances on Waves, Renaissance, El Cambio, etc.


1st dam

CATRIONA, by Bellotto (USA). 3 wins-1 at 2-to 1300m, SAJC Morphettville P.H., L, Chef Cheong Liew H., Legtrap Hotel H., 2d SAJC Turners Butchers H., 3d VATC Dual Choice H., 4th SAJC KPMG S., L, Oaklands P., L. Half-sister to  Lamellar (dam of GRACEFUL ANNA). Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, inc:-

 Wolfman (g by Octagonal (NZ)). 5 wins from 1250m to 1600m, A$106,470, QTC Conrad Treasury Brisbane H., Regal Advice H., SAJC Singleton Transport H., Paint Supplies of SA H., Niba H., 2d BTC Gordie Supports Lysaght H., QTC Stryker Medical H., Riccarton H., STC Chambers Cellars H., 3d QTC Charlton Boy Welter H., BTC Schweida Racing Stables H., GNS Avery Dennison H.

 Jemima (f by Quest for Fame (GB)). Winner at 1250m, SAJC FMG Koukourou H., 2d SAJC Pura Lightstart H. Dam of-

 Rosewater. 5 wins from 1500m to 1900m in Aust.

 Bass Rock (g by Lonhro). 6 wins from 1400m to 1800m, A$77,495, 2d AJC Rosedale Park H., 3d STC Freeways's Great Steaks P.

 Caniona (f by Canny Lad). 3 wins. See below.

 Meadows Cat (f by Flying Pegasus). 2 wins at 900m, 1000m, 2d SAJC Adelaide Casino H., 3d SAJC Peter Elberg Funerals H., Oakbank RC Adam Internet & Coca Cola H., SAJC Toll Express H.

 Best Advice (g by Grand Lodge (USA)). 3 wins from 1000m to 1800m in Aust.

 Kalseru (f by Octagonal (NZ)). Placed in Aust. Dam of-

 Miss Kindilan. 3 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m, A$122,850, to 2017-18, Qld Tatt's RC Singapore Airlines 2YO Fillies P., BRC Doreen Bird H., 2d GCTC Chinese New Year H., 3d BRC Thyme2 Restaurant Sofitel H.


2nd dam

Caltra, by Sovereign Red (NZ). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1200m, A$95,060, AJC Magnificent H., Monte Carlo H., STC Pratten Park H., 2d AJC Analie H., L, STC Eau de Cologne H., AJC Coogee Bay Hotel H., Pretty Polly H., Tooheys Red H., NSW Tatt's RC P Twigg H., STC Amiga Computers H., Hamilton Island H., Sharp Corporation H., 3d AJC Mobil Kirrawee H., Reveille H., STC Legacy Widows H., Kogarah H., 4th AJC James HB Carr S., L. Sister to  My Muse (dam of PRINCE RUBITON), half-sister to FORCE APOLLO, Frisky Lady,  Breaking News (dam of NEWS ALERT),  Lady Elegante (dam of SIRANTO). Dam of 10 named foals, 9 to race, 4 winners, inc:-

CATRIONA (f Bellotto (USA)) 3 wins. See above.

 Skiddaw. 6 wins-1 at 2-at 1200m, 1300m, A$168,925, AJC Autism Association of Australia H., Royal Australian Engineers H., QTC Fasliyev H., STC Tooheys New 2YO H., 2d STC Rivkin Group H., AJC Convention Centre 2YO H., Sydney's Best H., Grandstand H., STC Manildra H., Guildford Leagues Club H., 3d STC BMW Australia H., Thomas Group Hotels Series H.

 Lunar Lad (g Canny Lad) 4 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1200m, AJC Illawong H., 2d AJC Scobie Breasley H., STC Gow's Heat H., 4th STC Eskimo Prince H., L.

 Lamellar. Raced twice. Dam of-

GRACEFUL ANNA (f Canny Lad) 6 wins to 1400m, A$1,031,050, BRC Vo Rogue P., Gr.3, GCTC Magic Millions 3YO Trophy, RL, Silk Stocking H., L, Magic Millions Wyong 3YO S., 2d ATC Breeders Classic, Gr.2, Liverpool City Cup, Gr.3, Millie Fox H., Gr.3, STC N&A Group 2YO H., 3d BRC BTC Classic, Gr.3, Pilates on Collingwood Mick Dittman P., 4th BRC QTC Cup, Gr.2, ATC Birthday Card S., Gr.3.

 Kinder. Unraced. Dam of-

Hurricane Jack (g Snitzel) Winner at 1200m in 2016-17, 2d WATC Supremacy S., L, 3d WATC Melbourne Cup at Ascot H., Heineken 3 H.


3rd dam

Clear Apollo, by King Apollo. 7 wins-2 at 2-to 1400m, AJC W Forrester H., Gallipoli Welter H., STC Jindabyne H., RJ Bartley H., AJC Long Reef S., STC Sans Souci H., 2d STC Theo Marks H., Gr.2, NSW Tatt's RC Tramway H., L, STC Civic H., L, 4th STC Winter H., L. Sister to APOLLO'S FLAME, half-sister to STAR WATCH,  Winds of Peace (dam of WHISPER BAY). Dam of 13 named foals, 11 to race, 10 winners, inc:-

FORCE APOLLO (c Catrail (USA)) 6 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m, A$331,580, STC Heritage S., L, 2d NSW Tatt's RC Roman Consul S., Gr.3.

Frisky Lady (f Kenmare (Fr)) 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1200m, QTC Triscay H., 3d VATC Blue Diamond Prelude, Gr.3. Dam of 6 winners-

 Leonina. Unraced. Dam of 6 winners-

SPEEDY LEO (g Nadeem) 2 wins at 1100m, 1400m in Macau, Macau Lisboa Challenge, L.

Caltra (f Sovereign Red (NZ)) 4 wins. See above.

 Breaking News. 3 wins to 1300m, AJC Fred Archer H. Dam of 7 winners-

NEWS ALERT (g Danehill Dancer (Ire)) 9 wins to 1250m, A$652,850, Qld Tatt's RC WJ Healy S., Gr.3, 2d ATC Sebring S., Gr.3.

 Clear Image. Winner at 1200m in Aust. Dam of 5 winners-

Lucid Reflection (g Fasliyev (USA)) 12 wins to 1250m, A$320,707, SAJC Allan Scott Park Morphettville Flying H., 2d Kalgoorlie Boulder RC Hannan's H., L.

 My Muse. Winner at 1000m in Aust. Dam of 5 winners-

PRINCE RUBITON (c Rubiton) 8 wins to 1400m, A$280,500, MRC Japan Racing Association S., L, 3d MRC Moonga S., Gr.3.

 Lady Elegante. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners-

SIRANTO (c Laranto) 3 wins from 1400m to 1600m, WATC Belmont Guineas, L.


Race Record: 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 1800m, 3d QTC Star of the Knight H.


Produce Record: Dam of 6 named foals, 5 to race, 3 winners.

2007 Slipped by King of Danes

2008  Dreaming (g by Jet Spur). Unplaced.

2009 SHE CAN SKATE (f by Bradbury's Luck). 4 wins at 1100m, 1200m, A$237,160, VRC AR Creswick S., L, MRC PFD Food Services H., MVRC Simpson Construction H., 2d MRC Hyland Race Colours H., 3d VRC GH Mumm S., Gr.3, MRC Maxie Howell H.

2010  Marnies Magic (f by Ombra Della Sera). Unplaced.

2011  Beau Padrille (g by O'Lonhro). Winner at 1300m in Aust.

2012 Slipped by Oamaru Force

2013  Scrivano (g by Oamaru Force). 2 wins at 1000m, 1050m in 2017-18 in Aust.

2014  Le May Doan (f by Bradbury's Luck). Unraced.

2015 Slipped by Bradbury's Luck

2016 (c by Bradbury's Luck).

2017 (c by Chosen to Fly).


Slipped in 2007, 2012, 2015.


Served by Chosen to Fly. Date of last service, 25.10.2017.