
Stakes winning mare - $1750


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(GST status not known)

Nine Carat (USA) 1988
Imperial Ladybird (AUS) 1983
27 August 1997
Warwick 4370 QLD, Australia

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:No
Selling with a foal at foot:No

Whattaroa is a three time winner, including the listed William Crockett Stakes at Moonee Valley, and a metropolitan win at Doomben.

The mare missed last season and is ready for an early service this coming season.

Whattaroa has a Sequalo two year old filly in training, the stud has retained a Drumbeats filly recently weaned, and her Hidden Dragon yearling colt sold at the Magic Million QTIS Sales.


Make an Enquiry

Jeff Kruger , Lyndhurst Stud

Lyndhurst Lane, Warwick 4370 QLD, Australia

Mobile Phone Fax
0429 076 610 (07) 4661 1588 (07) 4661 1800
Int'l mobile Int'l phone Int'l fax
+61429076610 +61746611588 +61746611800

Website: http://www.lyndhurststud.com

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This service is only available for offers of $1,000 or above

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Bay mare       Foaled 1997 

NINE CARAT (USA) Slew o' GoldSeattle SlewBold Reasoning
Fortune's FollyGraustarkRibot
Guinevere's FollyRound Table
Lord Silver Man (NZ)Silver Dream (GB)Tudor Melody
Lady TrustfulBlueskin II (GB)
SkidelleSkidPan II (Fr)
DesireePort Vista (Ire)

NINE CARAT (USA) (1988). 3 wins at 1300m, 1600m, Maisons-Laffitte Prix Montenica, L. Sire of 162 rnrs, 96 wnrs, inc. SW Spark of Life (AJC Galaxy H., Gr.1), Golden Weekend, etc. Sire of the dams of 49 rnrs, 27 wnrs, inc. SW Run for Levi, Cabernet, Prince Braeman, SP Anaboo and of Ready Miss, Isle of Skye, Blind Justice, Katika, Onthehussle, Ciara Gold, Cosannco, Forza Potenza, What a Play, White Heather, Your Honor, Zahbaj, Kennelly, Kalinga Teagan, etc.


1st dam

IMPERIAL LADYBIRD, by Lord Silver Man (NZ). 2 wins at 2 at 800, 1200m, QTC Banoon H., 3d QTC Evergreen H. Dam of 10 named foals, all raced, 6 winners, inc:-

WHATTAROA (f by Nine Carat (USA)). 3 wins. See below.

 Sail and Steam (g by Cavallini (USA)). 5 wins 1200 to 1400m, WATC Thorina H.

 Gold Dredge (g by Nine Carat (USA)). 4 wins-1 at 2-900 to 1400m, BTC Queensland Pine H., QTC S&L Love Me Melons H., 2d AJC Arrowfield Stud H., QTC M Ryan H., Gold Coast Guineas, 3d BTC QBBS Bonuses H., Qld Tatt's RC Australia Post 2YO S., QTC Persian Lyric 2YO H., BTC Kennards Hire H.

 Dragon Girl (f by Celestial Bounty (GB)). 3 wins 1100 to 1350m, 2d BATC Oxley Airlines H., QTC Evry H., 3d BATC Express Post H., QTC Niigata H. Dam of-

 Odonata. 11 wins 1000 to 1400m in Aust. Dam of-

 Private Fortune. Winner at 1000m in 2012-13 in Aust.

 Lady From Tahiti (f by Celestial Bounty (GB)). 2 wins at 1000, 1200m in Aust. Dam of-

 Cable Hogue (c Nine Carat (USA)) Winner at 1400m in Aust.

 Maltese Boxer (c by Run Straight Run (NZ)). 2 wins at 1250, 1400m in Aust.


2nd dam

SKIDELLE, by Skid. 9 wins 1000 to 1200m in Aust. Dam of 12 named foals, 10 to race, 5 winners, inc:-

 Imperial Ladybird. 2 wins. See above.

 Star Wondelle. 8 wins-1 at 2-800 to 2000m in Aust.

 Skidon. 4 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1350m, 2d BATC Hydrogen Improvers H., Satchel Room Improvers H., 3d BATC Bengalla Lad Novice H., Pandour Novice H., Gunsynd Garden Intermediate H.

 Dalwood Lad. 4 wins-1 at 2-1250 to 1600m in Aust.

 Prince Wondelle. 3 wins at 1010m in Aust.

 Lady Silver Delle. Placed at 2 in Aust. Dam of 3 winners-

 Princess Wondell. 2 wins at 1200, 1300m in Aust.

 Lord Skid. Placed at 3 in Aust.

 Nuvic. Placed in Aust.


3rd dam

DESIREE, by Port Vista (Ire). Placed at 2 in Aust. Three-quarter-sister to  Honey Belle (dam of BEAU BABYLON). Dam of 6 named foals, 5 to race, all winners, inc:-

 Purely Me. 10 wins 800 to 1200m in Aust.

 Skidelle. 9 wins. See above.

 Westbrook. 6 wins 1200 to 1408m in Aust.


4th dam

Virtue, by Dark Lover (Fr). Placed at 2, 2d AJC Gimcrack S. Half-sister to CRUSADER. Dam of 13 foals, 12 to race, 10 winners, inc:-

 Kiopana. 7 wins-1 at 2-6f to 11¼f, AJC November H., Picton H., Tahmoor H., STC Campsie S., Welter H., 2YO Novice H., 2d AJC Milperra H., Autumn H., STC Welter H., 3d AJC Glenbrook H., STC 2YO H., City Tatt's RC Novie H.

 Lady Vitessa. 3 wins 6f to 7½f, STC Lakemba H., AJC 3YO Novice H., STC Stanmore H., 2d AJC PH Osborne H., STC Lakemba H.-twice, Rydalmere H., 3d STC Rydalmere H., Lakemba H.-3 times. Producer.


Race Record: 3 wins-1 at 2-900 to 1200m, MVRC William Crockett S., L, BTC Fast Track to Fun H., 3d BTC Livewire Bar H.


Produce Record: Dam of 4 named foals, 3 to race, 1 winner.

2003  Rapid Rowa (f by Rapid Man). Started twice. Dam of-

 Louisa's Dream. Winner at 2 at 1075m in Aust.

2004 Not served previous season

2005  Whataman (g by Rapid Man). Placed in Aust.

2006  What a Play (f by Pure Theatre). 5 wins 1100 to 1360m to 2011-12 in Aust.

2007 (foal by Shovhog). Died.

2008 (f by Shovhog). Died.

2009 (f by Sequalo). Died.

2010  Chilli Chutney (f by Sequalo). Unraced.

2011 (c by Hidden Dragon).

2012 (f by Drumbeats).

2013 Missed to Sequalo