Smokey Option

In Training


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(GST status not known)

Smokey Option
Immovable Option (IRE) 1996
Smokey Kellina (AUS) 1992
18 September 2008
Life no:
Stockleigh 4280 QLD, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:


Sound QTIS 3 year old Mare in training, unraced, shows ability. Dissolving partnership.


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Kain Day

25-63 Flynn Road, Stockleigh 4280 QLD, Australia

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0417553332 0437033004 0755403198
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Grey filly       Foaled 2008 

IMMOVABLE OPTION (IRE) Fairy King (USA)Northern DancerNearctic
Fairy BridgeBold Reason
Perfect WelcomeTaufanStop the Music
Pride of KellinaPago PagoMatrice
BabakiRight Honourable II (GB)
CasardeeHalicas (Ire)Habitat
CrosardeeSmokey Eyes (Ire)

IMMOVABLE OPTION (IRE) (Bay 1996-Stud 2002). 6 wins-2 at 2, Curragh Blenheim S., L. Sire of 116 rnrs, 55 wnrs, inc. Optionality, Immovable Site, All Significant, Bold Option, Shanghai Bound, Deb's Pick, In a Bind, Tisani Boy, Better Option, Stay Put, Annalisha, First Option, Lucky Deluchi, Street Stall, Kilwinning Option, Tisani Star, Bukit Naga, Cheersforhollywood, Moicheia, Noble Option, Cosannco, Filip, Lady Adamant, Mistaken Bid, etc.


1st dam

SMOKEY KELLINA, by Pride of Kellina. 4 wins at 1100, 1200m in Aust. Dam of 5 named foals, 2 to race, 1 winner, inc:-

 Go Hard (g by Danachenka) Winner at 1307m in Aust.

 Flash Regal (g by Forever Regal (Can)) Placed in Aust.


2nd dam

CASARDEE, by Halicas (Ire). 2 wins at 2015, 2038m, BATC Cooper H., 2d BATC Mistletoe H., QTC Ashgrove Graduation S., Strong Queen H., 3d BATC Scomeld Intermediate H. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-

 Good Habits . 7 wins at 1000, 1200m, 2d BATC Palm Lodge H.

 Kapalua Mist . 5 wins 1000 to 1210m in Aust.

 Smokey Kellina . 4 wins. See above.

 Carradee . 3 wins 1000 to 1600m in Aust. Dam of 3 winners-

 Touch of Freedom . 5 wins–1 at 2–1200 to 1400m, BTC Courier-Mail 2YO H., 2d QTC Maybe Lad 2YO H. Producer.

 Dancing Kellina . 3 wins 1400 to 1900m in Aust. Producer.


3rd dam

CROSARDEE, by Smokey Eyes (Ire). 3 wins–2 at 2–at 5½f, 6f, BATC 2YO H., Novice H., QTC Thomas Petrie H., 2d BATC Novice H., 3d BATC Juvenile H., Novice H., Qld Tatt's RC Novice H. Sister to Ima Smokey, half-sister to  Supreme Meld (dam of SCOMELD),  Cheers of Success (dam of GOLDEN CHEER). Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, all winners, inc:-

 Casardee . 2 wins. See above.


4th dam

Proost, by Good Brandy (GB). 6 wins–3 at 2–5f to 7¼f, AJC Sledmere H., BATC Juvenile H., QTC Piccaninny S., STC Welter H., BATC Division H., QTC Pannakin Novice H., 2d AJC Kensington H., Lakes H., Tahmoor H., 3d QTC Sires' Produce S., STC Railway H. Dam of 7 named foals, 6 to race, all winners, inc:-

Ima Smokey (c Smokey Eyes) 3 wins at 2 at 1010, 1400m, BATC 2YO H.-twice, QTC 2YO H., 3d BATC HJ Murphy H.

 Supreme Meld . 4 wins–2 at 2–5f to 1m, BATC Juvenile H., QTC Nursery H. Dam of 3 winners-

SCOMELD (f Scotian) Top filly on The 1977-78 Aust. 2YO & 1978-79 Aust. 3YO (joint) Free Hs. 12 wins–4 at 2–1000 to 2500m, $190,450, VRC Oaks, AJC Apollo S., VRC Wakeful S., STC Theo Marks H., AJC Silver Sharpe S., BATC TM Ahern S., QTC Marlboro S., CE McDougall S., STC Frederick Clissold H., 2d VATC One Thousand Guineas, VRC Edward Manifold S., 3d STC Rosehill Guineas. Dam of 2 winners-

SCOLLATA (f Rancher) 3 wins–1 at 2–1200 to 1600m, $140,000, STC Sweet Embrace S., Gr 3, VATC Mercedes-Benz H., L, 3d Australasian Oaks, Gr 1, VRC Hilton on the Park S., Gr 3. Producer.

 Mink Stole . Unraced. Dam of-

RANCH HEIRESS (f Rancher) Winner at 2 at 900m, QTC CE McDougall S., L.

 Cheers of Success . 2 wins at 1210, 1700m, BATC Novice H. Dam of 10 winners-

GOLDEN CHEER (c Zephyr Zing) 15 wins–2 at 2–900 to 1200m, $127,760, BATC Chandlers S., L, Pandour H.

 Cheer Girl . 3 wins–2 at 2–at 1200m, QTC Woodbine 2YO H. Dam of 4 winners-

HOLDING (g Sequalo) 10 wins 1000 to 1200m, $274,100, VRC Century S., L, Toledo H.


Race Record: Unraced.