
A Country Special!!! "Victorian/NSW Provincial Maiden Sprinter Miler"


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(GST status not known)

Strategic (AUS) 1992
Dalsonic (AUS) 1998
6 November 2006
Life no:
Hawkesbury Heights 2777 NSW, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: A Trojan Bloodstock

Beautifully Put Together Stylish Athletic Type of 4yo Chestnut Mare 15.3 - 16 Hands. Far From Disgraced Last Start At Very Tough Wyong Over 1100m When Beaten 7.7 Lengths At 100-1 Odds To A Field of Mainly Up & Coming City Class 3yo's That You Would Be Dead Set Proud To Own Any of Them That Finished In Front of Her. "Check Out The Whole Fields Form" Including "Forfeiture", "Seek The Fortune", "Tamohara", "Miss Illusionist", "Chomp", "Live And Dream" & "Tracko" Just To Name The Whole Lot of Them. "Dalstrat" Ran 3rd In A Trial At Hawkesbury Over 1000m Beaten Only 1.6 Lengths Before This One Start In NSW, When Originally Hailed From Victoria Where She Held Her Own From 3 Starts At Wodonga. So Simply Not Up To Provincial NSW, Victorian Strong Form, Though Will Be A Good Country Galloper. In Full Work, No Vices Whatsoever, Wonderfully Bred Being By "Strategic" & Out of A "Success Express" Mare, Great To Do Anything With, Very Clean Winded, Good Legs & Has A Beautiful Temperament. Has Got Good Speed, Suits 1200m - 1600m & Someone Will Have A lot of Fun With Her At Any Country Tracks Anywhere Around Australia. Go To Website For Full Form & Information: www.atrojanbloodstock.com.au


Make an Enquiry

Neil Brockington , A Trojan Bloodstock

85/11 Rebecca Way, Slacks Creek 4127 QLD, Australia

Mobile Fax
0411 093 269 07 3290 6321
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+61411093269 +61732906321

Website: http://atrojanbloodstock.com.au

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Chestnut mare       Foaled 2006 

STRATEGIC ZeditaveThe JudgeShowdown (GB)
SummonedCrowned Prince (USA)
Sudden ImpulseLuskin StarKaoru Star
Sweet EmbraceTodman
Success Express (USA)Hold Your PeaceSpeak John
Au PrintempsDancing Champ
DalaalTaj RossiMatrice
Mira Mila Milica (USA)Triple Bend

STRATEGIC (AUS) (Chestnut 1992-Stud 1997). 7 wins-5 at 2, MVRC Australia S., Gr.1. Sire of 643 rnrs, 433 wnrs, 23 SW, inc. Mistegic (AJC Galaxy H., Gr.1), Meurice, Strategic News, Fair Embrace, She Will be Loved, Pelt, Strategic Image, Aichi, Miss Judgement, Desuetude, Illuminates, Strat's Flyer, Bluejuice - Superb Classic (Sing.), La Famelia, Quarterman, Rightson, Haddle McDaddle, Ribald, Stratazoa, Domine, Riona, Imperatrix, Shags, SP Safe, etc.


1st dam

DALSONIC, by Success Express (USA). Winner at 1450m in Aust. Half-sister to  Dalzing (dam of OUR SMOKING JOE, SMOKIN' JOEY). Dam of 1 named foal, 1 to race.


2nd dam

DALAAL, by Taj Rossi. Started 3 times. Sister to TAJ QUILLO, half-sister to MAGICAL STORM. Dam of 9 named foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, inc:-

 Tetrico . 2 wins at 1100, 1200m, MVRC William Angliss H., 2d VRC Vichealth H., MVRC Flying Welter H., 3d MVRC Franklins No Frills H., VRC Aluminates Chemical Industries H., VATC Tabcorp H., TROA H.

 Stanley John . 4 wins 1309 to 2124m, 2d MRC Always Welcome H.

 Kilonewtons . 8 wins 1200 to 1618m in Aust.

 Daltint . 4 wins 1100 to 1400m in Aust. Producer.

 Dalzing . Winner at 2 at 1000m in Aust. Dam of 5 winners-

OUR SMOKING JOE (g Encosta de Lago) 10 wins 1200 to 2500m, $1,640,600, MRC St George S., Gr 2, VRC Queen Elizabeth S., Gr 3, Today Tonight Welter H., Keith Greig H., MVRC Omega Smeg H., Mornington RC Peninsula Cup, MRC Clive Leonard H., Future H., September H., 2d VRC LKS Mackinnon S., Gr 1, Turnbull S., Gr 1, MRC Underwood S., Gr 1, STC Ranvet Rawson S., Gr 1, MRC JJ Liston S., Gr 2, VRC Chubb S., L, MRC Schweppervescence Cup, L, Warrnambool Cup, L, VRC Shamrock Travel H., MVRC Avalon Mcintyre Park Cattery H., 3d VRC Australian Cup, Gr 1, STC BMW S., Gr 1, VRC Craiglee S., Gr 2, MRC JJ Liston S., Gr 2, VRC RSL P., 4th AJC Chipping Norton S., Gr 1, VRC LKS Mackinnon S., Gr 1, STC Ranvet S., Gr 1, VRC Craiglee S., Gr 2.

SMOKIN' JOEY (g Encosta de Lago) Winner at 2 at 1200m, $127,350, in 2009-10, MRC Blue Sapphire S., L, 2d BRC Ambassador Travel H., MRC Carsales.com.au H., 4th VRC Danehill S., Gr 2, BRC Sires' Produce S., Gr 2.

Gallant Lady (f Galileo) 4 wins 1612 to 2406m, $165,993, to 2010-11, MRC Catanach's Jewellers H., MVRC Mittys H., 2d SAJC South Australia Fillies Classic, Gr 3, VRC St Leger, L, SAJC Panasonic Viera H., MRC Ahern's at Highways H., Cove Hotel H.

 Dalsonic . Winner. See above.


3rd dam

MIRA MILA MILICA (USA), by Triple Bend. Unraced. Half-sister to  Fantastic Bidder (dam of FANTASTIC BIRD). Dam of 6 foals, all raced, 4 winners, inc:-

TAJ QUILLO (g Taj Rossi) 8 wins 1000 to 1200m, $199,875, VRC Gadsden S., Gr 1, Bobbie Lewis H., Gr 3, Air Force H., Matapan H., Aurie's Star H.-twice, VATC CD O'Halloran H., 2d VATC Marlboro Cup, Gr 1, VRC Newhaven H., VATC Normanby H., Malvern H., 3d VATC Futurity S., Gr 1.

MAGICAL STORM (f Magical Wonder) 7 wins 1203 to 2200m, $256,490, VRC Matriarch S., L, Ballarat Cup, L, Kilmore Cup, L, VATC Florence H., Boxing Day H., VRC VOBIS H., 2d SAJC St Leger, Gr 3, VRC Bagot H., L, Kilsyth Bargain H., MVRC Forstaff H., Guinness H., VATC Blink Bonny H., VRC Jack Irving H., MVRC Cheap as Chips H., 3d VRC Shamrock/British H., MVRC Trackside Tabaret H., SAJC Ruacana H., VATC Stan Shannon H., Lyndhurst H., Denise's Joy H., 4th SAJC Adelaide Cup, Gr 1, MVRC Tesio S., Gr 3. Producer.

 Taj Begum . Started twice. Dam of 2 winners-

 Snipaway - Fun Fun Fun (Mac.) . 6 wins 1200 to 1500m in Aust and Macau, Macau Baltimore H., Clapham Common H., 2d VRC Newhaven H.


Race Record: 5 Starts 0-0-0 A$719.

Full catalogue pedigree

  DALSTRAT (AUS) Chestnut filly 2006  

Zeditave The Judge Showdown
Summoned Crowned Prince
Sweet Life
Sudden Impulse Luskin Star Kaoru Star
Sweet Embrace Todman
Miss Port
Success Express Hold Your Peace Speak John
Blue Moon
Au Printemps Dancing Champ
Dalaal Taj Rossi Matrice
Dark Queen
Mira Mila Milica Triple Bend
Flying Aristocrat

By STRATEGIC (AUS) (Ch. 1992) Stakes-winner; won 7 races and $654,385 Won MVRC Australia S. G1; sire of 23 SWs (3 G1) Mistegic, Meurice, Strategic News, Fair Embrace, She Will Be Loved, Pelt, Strategic Image, Aichi, Miss Judgement, Desuetude, Illuminates, Strat's Flyer, Superb Classic, Shags, Rightson, Domine, Imperatrix, Haddle McDaddle, Quarterman, Riona, La Famelia, Stratazoa, Ribald and SP Horace's Choice, etc.

1st DAM

DALSONIC, by Success Express (USA). 1 win at 1450 m. and $10,400 in Australia. Half-sister to Dalzing (dam of OUR SMOKING JOE, SMOKIN' JOEY, Gallant Lady). Dam of 3 foals, 1 raced.

2nd DAM

DALAAL, by Taj Rossi. Started 3 times in Australia. Sister to TAJ QUILLO. Half-sister to MAGICAL STORM. Dam of 9 named foals, 8 raced, 6 winners inc.-

TETRICO. 2 wins at 1100, 1200 m. and $35,990 Won MVRC William Angliss H. 2nd VRC Vichealth 1000, MVRC Flying Class 6 H. 3rd VRC Aluminates Chem Indus H., MRC T.R.O.A. H., MVRC Franklins No Frills H., MRC Tabcorp H.

KILONEWTONS. 8 wins 1200 to 1618 m. and $45,320 in Australia.

STANLEY JOHN. 4 wins 1309 to 2124 m. and $42,760 in Australia 2nd MRC Always Welcome H.

DALTINT. 4 wins 1100 to 1400 m. and $31,675 in Australia. Producer.

DALZING. 1 win at 1000 m. at 2 and $2,600 in Australia. Dam of 5 winners inc.-

OUR SMOKING JOE (g by Encosta de Lago). 10 wins 1200 to 2500 m. and $1,640,600 Won MRC St George S. G2, VRC Queen Elizabeth S. G3, VRC Today Tonight Welter, MVRC Omega SMEG H., VRC Keith Greig H., MRC September H., MRC Clive Leonard H., MRC Future H. 2nd VRC L.K.S. Mackinnon S. G1, VRC Turnbull S. G1, STC Rawson S. G1, MRC Underwood S. G1, MRC J.J. Liston S. G2, Warrnambool RC Warrnambool Cup L, VRC March S. L, MRC Schweppervescence Cup L, VRC Shamrock Travel H.

SMOKIN' JOEY (c by Encosta de Lago). 1 win at 1200 m. at 2 and $117,350. Won MRC Blue Sapphire S. L. 2nd MRC carsales.com.au H. 4th VRC Danehill S. G2, BRC BRC Sires' Produce S. G2.

Gallant Lady (f by Galileo (IRE)). 3 wins 1612 to 2040 m. and $104,693 Won MVRC Mittys H. 2nd SAJC SA Oaks G3, VRC VRC St Leger L, MRC Ahern's at Highways H.

3rd DAM

MIRA MILA MILICA (USA), by Triple Bend. Unraced. Half-sister to Fantastic Bidder (dam of FANTASTIC BIRD). Dam of 6 foals, all raced, 4 winners-

TAJ QUILLO (g by Taj Rossi). 8 wins 1000 to 1200 m. and $200,875 Won VRC Gadsden S. G1, VRC Bobbie Lewis Quality H. G3, VRC Matapan H., VRC Aurie's Star H., VRC Aurie's Star H., VRC Air Force H., VRC Baguette H., VATC C.D. O'Halloran H. 2nd VATC Marlboro Cup G1, MVRC Dundonald H., VATC Normanby H., VATC Malvern H., VRC Newhaven H. 3rd VATC Futurity S. G1. 4th VATC Autumn S. G3.

MAGICAL STORM (f by Magical Wonder (USA)). 7 wins 1203 to 2200 m. and $264,490 Won Ballarat TC Ballarat Cup L, VRC Matriarch S. L, Kilmore TC Kilmore Cup L, MRC Boxing Day H., VATC Florence H., VRC VOBIS H. 2nd SAJC St Leger G3, VRC Bagot H. L, MVRC Forstaff H., MVRC Cheap as Chips H., MVRC Guinness H., VATC Blink Bonny H., VRC Jack Irving H., VRC Kilsyth Bargain H. 3rd VRC Shamrock H., MVRC Trackside Tabaret H., SAJC Ruacana H., VATC Denise's Joy H., VATC Lyndhurst H., VATC Stan Shannon H. 4th SAJC Adelaide Cup G1. Dam of--

SPECTACULAR STORM. 8 wins 2000 to 3200 m. and $160,365 Won MVRC Dominant Steeple, MVRC Dominant Hurdle, MRC Winterset Hurdle. 3rd MVRC Nufarm H.

HADEED. 9 wins - 3 over jumps - 1200 to 3800 m. and $92,385 Won VRC William Newton Steeple, VRC Lindeman's Wines Hurdle, VATC Redleap Steeple. 2nd VATC Redditch Steeple, VATC Ripponlea H., VATC G.H.Davey H., SAJC Real Bottlers Dewars H., VRC Dayana H. 3rd VATC Ajax H., VATC Rupert Greene H.

MIRA MIA. 1 win at 1240 m. and $12,375. Won TRC Cadbury Roses Maiden Plate. 2nd VRC Sanderae H., SAJC 2 YO H. 3rd VATC Lillimur H., VATC James Grice H., TRC Peerless Fox H. Producer.

4th DAM

FLYING ARISTOCRAT, by Prince John. Unraced. Three-quarter sister-in-blood to Metallurgical Gal (dam of ICY STARE). Half-sister to EXCLUSIVE LOVE (dam of DIXIE DAYLIGHT, Anything for Love), Restless Lover (dam of RESTLESS COLONY, Resting Partner, Full Song). Dam of 11 foals, 4 raced, 3 winners-

GAMBLIN ARISTOCRAT. 7 wins 1 m. to 8 1/2 f. and $85,032 in USA and Canada.

CARAWAYS FLYING T. 2 wins at 1 m. and $21,364 in USA.

ROYAL SUITOR. 1 win at 1 1/2 m. and $2,664 in Great Britain.

Fantastic Bidder. Unraced. Dam of--

FANTASTIC BIRD (c by Pampabird). 4 wins 1600 to 2400 m. and $122,388 Won Longchamp Prix Lord Seymour L, Deauville Prix de Douvres, Evry Prix de la Beauce, Evry Prix Flying Dutchman. 2nd Saint-Cloud Prix Xavier de Chevigny. 3rd Longchamp La Coupe G3, Longchamp Prix du Ranelagh L, Deauville Prix des Parfums Jacomo, Evry Prix d'Epernon, Saint-Cloud Prix Sea Bird, Maisons-Laffitte Prix Aqua Tinte II, Saint-Cloud Prix de l'Hautil. 4th Maisons-Laffitte Prix Altipan L.

Race Record:  Started 5 times in Australia.