


View pedigree

(GST status not known)

Strategic (AUS) 1992
Dalsonic (AUS) 1998
6 November 2006
Muswellbrook 2333 NSW, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: One World Thoroughbreds

Has shown she can run finishing 3.25 and 6.25 offf at TAB runs and a short half head off in a Hawksbury triall 14-4-11
Her dam is a half sister to the dam of 18 times Group or Listed Winner or placed Our Smokin' Joe. Also new Black Type Horses from April and May, Gallant Lady and Smokin'Joey.
This young mare will be maturer in the mind an from prior history will more than likely win and maybe plenty. Not the first in this price bracket. (see below)
We have consigned 546 winning horses that have saluted 1407 times (108 inspected and purchased at auction) some of the mares and fillys that we have sold for 1750 or less have been city winners eg Brisbane Saturday Winner La Chance Finale (by guiscard) (15 starts brisbane 9 times in the money, won 2. private sale) and Ciera (by king of roses), 5 starts Perth for 2 wins and a 2nd an 6 of 14 ($1750 auction). Another 2 winners $1750 or under this year have been Testa Rossa mare Relative Velocity (private sale) at Kyneton, an 3rd Sandown a short head away 2 starts later and Thursday Joy (by Lionheart), 3 starts Toowoomba for a win and 2 seconds (auction $1250).
We have over 70 mares and filly's suitable for racing on the books at present including 3 Group Winners (one 2nd Group1) and a Listed Winner and 3 stakes placed. Feel free to enquire as we get new horses every day and if we don't have what your after we will source it.
Also 3 horse trucks, carry 5, 6, and 7 horses. many xtras. one basically new.


Make an Enquiry

Cameron & Shelene , One World Thoroughbreds

Sorell Street, Parramatta 2150 NSW, Australia

Mobile Phone
0402 717 849 0402 717 849
Int'l mobile Int'l phone
+61402717849 +61402717849

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This service is only available for offers of $1,000 or above

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Chestnut mare       Foaled 2006 

STRATEGIC ZeditaveThe JudgeShowdown (GB)
SummonedCrowned Prince (USA)
Sudden ImpulseLuskin StarKaoru Star
Sweet EmbraceTodman
Success Express (USA)Hold Your PeaceSpeak John
Au PrintempsDancing Champ
DalaalTaj RossiMatrice
Mira Mila Milica (USA)Triple Bend

STRATEGIC (AUS) (Chestnut 1992-Stud 1997). 7 wins-5 at 2, MVRC Australia S., Gr.1. Sire of 643 rnrs, 433 wnrs, 23 SW, inc. Mistegic (AJC Galaxy H., Gr.1), Meurice, Strategic News, Fair Embrace, She Will be Loved, Pelt, Strategic Image, Aichi, Miss Judgement, Desuetude, Illuminates, Strat's Flyer, Bluejuice - Superb Classic (Sing.), La Famelia, Quarterman, Rightson, Haddle McDaddle, Ribald, Stratazoa, Domine, Riona, Imperatrix, Shags, SP Safe, etc.


1st dam

DALSONIC, by Success Express (USA). Winner at 1450m in Aust. Half-sister to  Dalzing (dam of OUR SMOKING JOE, SMOKIN' JOEY). Dam of 1 named foal, 1 to race.


2nd dam

DALAAL, by Taj Rossi. Started 3 times. Sister to TAJ QUILLO, half-sister to MAGICAL STORM. Dam of 9 named foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, inc:-

 Tetrico . 2 wins at 1100, 1200m, MVRC William Angliss H., 2d VRC Vichealth H., MVRC Flying Welter H., 3d MVRC Franklins No Frills H., VRC Aluminates Chemical Industries H., VATC Tabcorp H., TROA H.

 Stanley John . 4 wins 1309 to 2124m, 2d MRC Always Welcome H.

 Kilonewtons . 8 wins 1200 to 1618m in Aust.

 Daltint . 4 wins 1100 to 1400m in Aust. Producer.

 Dalzing . Winner at 2 at 1000m in Aust. Dam of 5 winners-

OUR SMOKING JOE (g Encosta de Lago) 10 wins 1200 to 2500m, $1,640,600, MRC St George S., Gr 2, VRC Queen Elizabeth S., Gr 3, Today Tonight Welter H., Keith Greig H., MVRC Omega Smeg H., Mornington RC Peninsula Cup, MRC Clive Leonard H., Future H., September H., 2d VRC LKS Mackinnon S., Gr 1, Turnbull S., Gr 1, MRC Underwood S., Gr 1, STC Ranvet Rawson S., Gr 1, MRC JJ Liston S., Gr 2, VRC Chubb S., L, MRC Schweppervescence Cup, L, Warrnambool Cup, L, VRC Shamrock Travel H., MVRC Avalon Mcintyre Park Cattery H., 3d VRC Australian Cup, Gr 1, STC BMW S., Gr 1, VRC Craiglee S., Gr 2, MRC JJ Liston S., Gr 2, VRC RSL P., 4th AJC Chipping Norton S., Gr 1, VRC LKS Mackinnon S., Gr 1, STC Ranvet S., Gr 1, VRC Craiglee S., Gr 2.

SMOKIN' JOEY (g Encosta de Lago) Winner at 2 at 1200m, $127,350, in 2009-10, MRC Blue Sapphire S., L, 2d BRC Ambassador Travel H., MRC Carsales.com.au H., 4th VRC Danehill S., Gr 2, BRC Sires' Produce S., Gr 2.

Gallant Lady (f Galileo) 4 wins 1612 to 2406m, $165,993, to 2010-11, MRC Catanach's Jewellers H., MVRC Mittys H., 2d SAJC South Australia Fillies Classic, Gr 3, VRC St Leger, L, SAJC Panasonic Viera H., MRC Ahern's at Highways H., Cove Hotel H.

 Dalsonic . Winner. See above.


3rd dam

MIRA MILA MILICA (USA), by Triple Bend. Unraced. Half-sister to  Fantastic Bidder (dam of FANTASTIC BIRD). Dam of 6 foals, all raced, 4 winners, inc:-

TAJ QUILLO (g Taj Rossi) 8 wins 1000 to 1200m, $199,875, VRC Gadsden S., Gr 1, Bobbie Lewis H., Gr 3, Air Force H., Matapan H., Aurie's Star H.-twice, VATC CD O'Halloran H., 2d VATC Marlboro Cup, Gr 1, VRC Newhaven H., VATC Normanby H., Malvern H., 3d VATC Futurity S., Gr 1.

MAGICAL STORM (f Magical Wonder) 7 wins 1203 to 2200m, $256,490, VRC Matriarch S., L, Ballarat Cup, L, Kilmore Cup, L, VATC Florence H., Boxing Day H., VRC VOBIS H., 2d SAJC St Leger, Gr 3, VRC Bagot H., L, Kilsyth Bargain H., MVRC Forstaff H., Guinness H., VATC Blink Bonny H., VRC Jack Irving H., MVRC Cheap as Chips H., 3d VRC Shamrock/British H., MVRC Trackside Tabaret H., SAJC Ruacana H., VATC Stan Shannon H., Lyndhurst H., Denise's Joy H., 4th SAJC Adelaide Cup, Gr 1, MVRC Tesio S., Gr 3. Producer.

 Taj Begum . Started twice. Dam of 2 winners-

 Snipaway - Fun Fun Fun (Mac.) . 6 wins 1200 to 1500m in Aust and Macau, Macau Baltimore H., Clapham Common H., 2d VRC Newhaven H.


Race Record: 5 Starts 0-0-0 A$719.