


View pedigree

Sold for: $21,000

(GST status not known)

Success Express (USA) 1985
Stella Riva (AUS) 1991
28 September 1999
Life no:
Euroa 3666 VIC, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Blue Gum Farm

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Churchill Downs (AUS) 2003
Date of last service:5 December 2009
Selling with a foal at foot:Yes
Covering sire: Trotamondo (CHI) 2001
DOB of foal at foot: 6 November 2009

To be auctioned at:

2010 Melbourne March Thoroughbred Sale, Lot 140
Oaklands Junction, 19 Mar 2010
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Darryl Sherer , Blue Gum Farm

659 Euroa-Strahbogie Road, Euroa 3666 VIC, Australia

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0417 662 178 03 5795 3331 03 5795 3606
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+61417662178 +61357953331 +61357953606


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Bay mare       Foaled 1999 

SUCCESS EXPRESS (USA) Hold Your PeaceSpeak JohnPrince John
Blue MoonEight Thirty
Au PrintempsDancing ChampNijinsky
LorgnetteHigh Hat
Christmas TreeBiscayStar Kingdom (Ire)
Joy and FunShowdown (GB)
Tommasina Fiesco (Ity)Green DancerNijinsky

SUCCESS EXPRESS (USA) (1985). 4 wins at 2, Breeders' Cup Juvenile S., Gr.1. Sire of 629 rnrs, 457 wnrs, 31 SW, inc. Polar Success, etc. Sire of the dams of 641 rnrs, 402 wnrs, 20 SW, inc. Savabeel, Duporth, Excites, Gold Edition, Wonderful World, Vouvray, Pinker Pinker, Tickets, Divine Rebel, Lady Dehere, Squamosa, Activation, Oratorio, Guiseppina, Discorsi, Emit Time, Thin and Crispy, Tramuntana, Cheval de Troy, Thousand Veils, etc.


1st dam

STELLA RIVA, by Christmas Tree. Winner at 1200m, 3d VRC Toshiba 8050 H. Half-sister to RIVA DIVA (dam of VIVA LA DIVA). Dam of 7 named foals, 5 to race, 2 winners, inc:-

Boulevard (f by Success Express (USA)). Winner at 1200m, 2d STC Silver Slipper S., Gr 2, 3d STC Glade Manufacturing 2YO H., AJC Cabramatta Inn H., 4th STC Reisling Slipper Trial S., Gr 2. Dam of 2 winners-

 Intruder . 5 wins at 1600, 2100m, 2d AJC Sir Ivor H., 3d AJC Members H., Cabra-Vale Diggers Snooker & Billiards Club H.

 Mr Pickwick . 3 wins 1200 to 1630m in Aust.

 Counter Force - Ocean Spur (Sing.) (g by Flying Spur). 4 wins 1400 to 1900m, $122,743, STC Membership H., Singapore TC Class 2 H., Benchmark 81 H., 2d STC Tooheys New 2YO H., Triple M Slipper Saloon H., 3d AJC Exchange H., Arncliffe H., Singapore TC Benchmark 81 H.

 Deepdene (f by Success Express (USA)). See below.

 Gravy Train (c by Success Express (USA)). Placed at 3 in Aust.


2nd dam

TOMMASINA FIESCO (ITY), by Green Dancer. Unraced. Sister to Timarete (dam of THOMPSON ROUGE, THOMIRE), half-sister to TISSERAND, THERESE MOREAU (dam of MAGIC PETRIOLO). Dam of 5 named foals, 4 to race, all winners, inc:-

RIVA DIVA (f Raise a Cup (USA)) 5 wins at 2 1000 to 1200m, $392,750, VATC Blue Diamond S., Gr 1, VRC Talindert H., L, Waltzing Lily H., L, Cap d'Antibes H., VATC William Pearson H., 3d VRC Knox Mitsubishi Welter H., 4th STC Reisling Slipper Trial, Gr 2. Dam of 3 winners-

VIVA LA DIVA (f Barathea (Ire)) Winner at 2 at 1100m, VRC Shamrock Travel H., L. Producer.

 Ken's Regards . 4 wins 1000 to 1600m, STC Meeting Industry Association H., 2d QTC Fosters Stubbies H., STC Truscotts H., 3d QTC XXXX Lite H. Sire.


3rd dam

Tandina, by Claude. 5 wins 1700 to 2200m, 2d Premio Roma, Gr 1, Milan Premio Legnano, L, 3d Rome Premio delle Repubbliche Marinare, L, 4th Rome Premio Cavaliere del Lavoro Giuseppe Tudini, L. Half-sister to TERRENCHO, Turcotto. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 5 winners, inc:-

TISSERAND (c Nadjar) Head on The 1990 Italian 4YO+ Free H. 13 wins–2 at 2–1800 to 2400m, Derby Italiano, Gr 1. Sire.

THERESE MOREAU (f Blazing Saddles) 6 wins–2 at 2–1600 to 2400m, Rome Premio Minerva, L. Dam of 5 winners-

MAGIC PETRIOLO (c Bound for Honour) 2 wins–1 at 2–at 2000m, Rome Premio Botticelli, L.

Timarete (f Green Dancer) Placed at 3, 3d Rome Premio Guidonia, L. Dam of 6 winners-

THOMPSON ROUGE (c Machiavellian) 6 wins–1 at 2–1600 to 2400m in France, U.S.A., Italy and Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente Rafael A Paes de Barros, Gr 2, 3d Taruma G.P. Parana, Gr 1.

THOMIRE (c Be My Chief) 13 wins–1 at 2–1400 to 2200m, Milan Premio d'Estate, L, 2d Rome Premio Parioli, Gr 1.

Tuareg Blu (c Dowsing) 9 wins–2 at 2–1400 to 2000m, Milan Premio Asiago, 2d Rome Premio Nearco, L.

 Therese Chenu . 3 wins in Italy. Dam of 10 winners-

TREMOTO (f Generous (Ire)) Champion Older Female Stayer in Italy in 2009. 3 wins–1 at 2–at 1600, 2000m, €170,313, to 2010, Rome Premio Archidamia, L, 2d Milan Premio FIA European Breeder Fund, L.


Race Record: Placed at 2 & 3, 3d BTC Network Ten 2YO H.


Produce Record: Dam of 3 named foals, all raced, 1 winner.

2004  Masunoti (g by General Nediym). Unplaced.

2005  Jackspur (g by Flying Spur). Winner at 1000m in 2009-10 in Aust.

2006  Karino (g by Not a Single Doubt). Unplaced.

2007 Missed to Fastnet Rock.

2008 Not served previous season.

2009 (f by Trotamondo (CHI)).

2010 (c by Churchill Downs).