


View pedigree

Sold for: $6,500

(GST status not known)

Redoute's Choice (AUS) 1996
Energy Boom (AUS) 1991
9 September 2002
Life no:
Seymour 3660 VIC, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Chatswood Stud

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Niello (AUS) 2000
Date of last service:25 November 2009
Selling with a foal at foot:No

To be auctioned at:

2010 Melbourne March Thoroughbred Sale, Lot 43
Oaklands Junction, 19 Mar 2010
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Greg Willis , Chatswood Stud

400 Hume & Hovell Road, Seymour 3660 VIC, Australia

Mobile Phone Fax
0419 990 560 (03) 5799 0560 (03) 5799 0570
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Website: http://www.chatswoodstud.com.au

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Bay mare       Foaled 2002 

REDOUTE'S CHOICE Danehill (USA)DanzigNorthern Dancer
RazyanaHis Majesty
Shantha's ChoiceCanny LadBletchingly
Dancing Show (USA)Nijinsky
Star WatchBletchinglyBiscay
Light of PeaceLight Wind (Fr)
PomanyVibrant (GB)Vilmorin
Final BidStar Kingdom (Ire)

REDOUTE'S CHOICE (AUS) (1996). 5 wins-2 at 2, MVRC Manikato S., Gr.1. Champion Aust. Sire (AEI) 3 times. Sire of 677 rnrs, 505 wnrs, 75 SW, inc. Miss Finland, etc. Sire of the dams of 80 rnrs, 46 wnrs, inc. SW Ego, Raffles Pegasus, Shamillion, SP Masthead, Sans Souci and of Admiration, Illusionary, Swerte Bella, Upstacker, Aporia, Wild Goose, Dee Bee Nine, Tafeer, Tom's Eighth, Galileo's Choice, Beautiful Soul, Break a Theory, Set to Unleash, etc.


1st dam

ENERGY BOOM, by Star Watch. 3 wins 1000 to 1110m in Aust. Half-sister to PRE CATELAN,  Cafe Opera (dam of ANEED - GOLDEN RAINBOW (MAL.), MAGDALENA, SOCIAL SOLDIER). Dam of 5 foals, all raced, 4 winners-

 Vallarna (f by Royal Academy (USA)). 6 wins 1000 to 1509m in Aust.

 Kadesh (g by Brief Truce (USA)). 5 wins 1100 to 1200m to 2009-10 in Aust.

 Yawn (f by Redoute's Choice). Winner. See below.

 Truela (f by Scenic (Ire)). Winner at 1000m in Aust.

 Run to Glory (f by Honour and Glory (USA)). Started once. Dam of-

 Pure Glory . Winner at 1100m, 3d WATC Westspeed 2YO H.


2nd dam

Pomany, by Vibrant (GB). 2 wins at 2 at 900m, STC Hyperion Thoroughbreds H., Tiny Tots S., 2d AJC Caringbah H., Kindergarten H., 3d AJC Widden S., L, 4th STC Silver Slipper S., Gr 2. Sister to TANGIERS. Dam of 9 foals, all raced, 6 winners, inc:-

PRE CATELAN (c Lunchtime (GB)) 4 wins at 2 1000 to 1200m, $180,300, STC Silver Slipper S., Gr 2, AJC Breeders' P., Gr 3, STC Skyline S., L, 2d AJC San Domenico S., Gr 2, STC Sir Dapper S., L, 3d AJC Royal Sovereign S., Gr 3, Up and Coming S., Gr 3, Sir Brian Crowley S., L. Sire.

 Cafe Opera . Winner at 2 at 1200m, STC Salt Pan H., 2d AJC Dorothea Mackellar H., STC Truscott's Toyota H., 3d AJC Sedgwick Abrahams H. Dam of 9 winners-

MAGDALENA (f Snaadee (USA)) 5 wins–2 at 2–1000 to 1650m, $138,370, WATC Burgess Queen S., L, Doug Gilmour Sunspeed 2YO H., Thorium Sunspeed H., Diet Coke H., Budget Truck Rentals H., 2d Western Australian Oaks, Gr 2, 3d Western Australian Guineas, Gr 2. Dam of 5 winners-

Star Cat - Cheerful Master (H.K.) (g Catbird) 4 wins–2 at 2–1100 to 1400m, $259,549 in Aust and Hong Kong, AJC Smith Barney Citigroup H., STC De Bortoli Wines 2YO H., 2d STC Heritage S., L, 3d AJC Royal Sovereign S., Gr 2, NSW Tatt's RC Roman Consul S., Gr 3.

Purrpurrlena (f Catbird) 4 wins 1150 to 1400m, $246,090, to 2010-11, AJC Private Steer H., Macau Jockey Club H., 2d Newcastle JC Newmarket H., Gr 3, Scone RC Dark Jewel Classic, L, 3d Hawkesbury RC Darley Crown, L.

ANEED - GOLDEN RAINBOW (Mal.) (g Danewin) 5 wins 1200 to 1400m, $414,531 in Aust and Malaysia, Selangor TC Tunku Gold Cup, L, Penang TC Equine Capital Cup, AJC Kogarah P., 2d Perak TC Class 1 H., Selangor TC Kelang Valley Special S., 3d Selangor Gold Cup, L, Selangor TC Tunku Gold Cup, L.

SOCIAL SOLDIER (g Pirate Army (USA)) Winner at 2 at 1100m, WATC Ngawyni S., L, 2d WATC Sunspeed-Harridan 2YO H., Starstruck Quality H., Titan Resources H., 3d WATC Lindsay Rosenthal S., L.

 Continental . 2 wins at 1400m, AJC Edgar Britt H., Pepes and Red Lea H., 2d AJC Action Liquor Barns H., JV Comans H., 4th AJC James HB Carr S., L. Dam of 5 winners-

STORMY SUMMERS (f Desert Style (Ire)) 2 wins at 2 at 1000, 1400m, VRC Anzac Day S., L, 3d MVRC Champagne S., Gr 2. Producer.

 Yodeller . Winner at 1300m in Aust. Dam of 3 winners-

Amelias Dancer (g Danzero) 4 wins 1300 to 1600m to 2010-11, WATC Ascot Corporate Villas H., 2d WATC St Leger, L, 3d WATC Enjoy Healthy Eating H.


Race Record: Winner at 1000m in Aust.


Produce Record: Dam of 4 foals.

2007 (f by Keep the Faith).

2008 (f by Ne Coupez Pas (USA)).

2009 (c by Niello).

2010 (f by Niello).


Served by Bon Hoffa. Date of last service, 26.11.2010.