


View pedigree

Sold for: $500

(GST status not known)

Canny Lad (AUS) 1987
Bayou (AUS) 1995
1 August 2001
Life no:
Catani 3981 VIC, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Kedarona Stud

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Sirius Slew (CAN) 1998
Date of last service:23 November 2009
Selling with a foal at foot:No

To be auctioned at:

2010 Melbourne March Thoroughbred Sale, Lot 32
Oaklands Junction, 19 Mar 2010
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Narelle Bravington , Kedarona Stud

755 Heads Road, Catani 3981 VIC, Australia

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0418 397 673 (03) 5629 4176 (03) 5629 4175
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Chestnut mare       Foaled 2001 

CANNY LAD BletchinglyBiscayStar Kingdom (Ire)
Coogee (GB)Relic
Jesmond LassLunchtime (GB)Silly Season
Beautiful DreamerCoeur Volant II (GB)
Procol Harum (NZ)Western Symphony (USA)Nijinsky
BlondieHasty Cloud (Ire)
Balmahal (NZ)BalmerinoTrictrac (Fr)
Minos MahalAlways There

CANNY LAD (AUS) (1987). 8 wins, STC Golden Slipper S., Gr.1. Sire of 1047 rnrs, 703 wnrs, 51 SW, inc. He's No Pie Eater, etc. Sire of the dams of 891 rnrs, 578 wnrs, 24 GW, inc. SW Gimmethegreenlight, Manhattan Rain, Neroli, Mnemosyne, Desert War, Kusi, Platinum Scissors, Redoute's Choice, Dances on Waves, Renaissance, El Cambio, Fritz's Princess, Street Smart, Blur, General Rippa, Starcheeka, Ofcourseican, etc.


1st dam

BAYOU, by Procol Harum (NZ). Placed in Aust. Half-sister to PRAIRIE. Dam of 2 named foals, 1 to race, 1 winner, inc:-

 Cajun (f by Desert Prince (Ire)). 2 wins at 1200m in Aust.


2nd dam

BALMAHAL (NZ), by Balmerino. 5 wins at 1400, 2100m, VRC Battle of Britain Welter H., Waikato RC Robert Craig H., John Cordery H. Half-sister to IN THE EVENT. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 2 winners, inc:-

PRAIRIE (f Canny Lad) 4 wins-1 at 2-1200 to 1600m, $282,860, VRC Hardy Brothers Classic S., Gr 2, AJC James HB Carr S., L, Chifley H., STC Chester 2YO H., 2d Australasian Oaks, Gr 1, AJC Hammondville Welter H., City Tatt's RC A Punch H., 3d SAJC Sedgwick Classic S., Gr 2, AJC Bill Ritchie H., L, 4th VRC Chrysler S., Gr 1, South Australian Oaks, Gr 1, AJC Emancipation S., Gr 3, SAJC ETSA Power Trophy H., L. Dam of 2 winners-

 Little House. 4 wins 1200 to 1406m to 2011-12, SAJC Schweppes H.

 Plains. 2 wins at 1500, 1800m, AJC Sydney City Lexus H., 2d AJC Korea Racing Association Trophy Cup, STC Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL Club H.

 Teflon (c Canny Lad) Winner at 1800m, 3d STC De Bortoli Wines Windy Peak H.

 Charlie's Money. Placed at 3 in Aust.

 Bayou. See above.

 With Angels. Unraced. Dam of 4 winners-

Father Nick - First Horse (Mac.) (c Christmas Tree) 11 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1400m, $556,333 in Aust and Macau, STC Garden Island 2YO H., 2d Macau Fez H., AJC Empire Link Quality 2YO H., Macau Guatemala H., 3d Gosford Slipper, L, Macau Persimmon H., 4th STC Pago Pago S., Gr 2.

 Transfix (c Canny Lad) 4 wins at 1000, 1400m, 2d QTC Money Hotline Pty Ltd Hopeful 2YO H., 3d BTC Vending Solutions Freshman 2YO H., Bendigo Bank 2YO H.

 St Peter. 8 wins-1 at 2-900 to 1500m in Aust.


3rd dam

MINOS MAHAL, by Always There. Unraced. Half-sister to North Atlantic. Dam of 4 foals, all raced, 3 winners, inc:-

IN THE EVENT (c Oak Ridge (Fr)) 4 wins 1800 to 2200m, $303,990, QTC Grand Prix S., Gr 2, AJC Frank Packer P., Gr 3, WATC Fruit'n'Veg Quality H., STC Adelaide Casino H., 2d Queensland Derby, Gr 1, VATC Herbert Power S., Gr 2, AJC Bronze Hawk H., NSW Tatt's RC Hahn Brewing Welter H., 3d WATC Au Fait Welter H., 4th VATC Sandown Cup, Gr 2, WATC Helena Vale Cup, L.

 Balmahal. 5 wins. See above.

 Dramatize. 3 wins 1500 to 2438m, VATC Wanalta H., 3d VATC Neighbourhood Watch H. Producer.


4th dam

HONOUR BRIGHT, by Star Kingdom (Ire). 2 wins at 2 at 5f, 6f, VRC Maribyrnong Trial S., VATC Waverley H., 4th VATC Debutante S. Three-quarter-sister to Faithful Affair (dam of TRULY UNFAITHFUL),  Faithfully Yours (dam of MAYBE MAHAL). Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, inc:-

North Atlantic (c Showdown (GB)) 6 wins at 1000, 1100m, VRC Greenline H., Royal H., SAJC Newport Flying H., 3d VRC Standish H.

 Southland Boy. 5 wins-1 at 2-1000 to 1100m, SAJC Pushover H. Sire.


Race Record: Unraced.


Produce Record: Dam of 3 named foals, 2 to race.

2005  Stinger (g by Dangerous). Started twice.

2006  Super Mariusz (g by Sirius Slew (Can)). Unplaced.

2007  Kiss Me Roxy (f by Sirius Slew (Can)). Unraced.

2008 (c by Sirius Slew (Can)). Died.

2009 (c by Decanter (CHI)).

2010 (f by Sirius Slew (Can)).

2011 Not served previous season.


Served by Widden Valley. Date of last service, 29.11.2011.