Contributer demolishes Ranvet field

Saturday 21 March 2015, 2:49pm

Godolphin's Contributer has confirmed his ranking as Sydney's weight-for-age star in winning the Ranvet Stakes at Rosehill on Saturday.

"I think he's stamped himself as one of the best horses in Australia," winning jockey James McDonald said.

Trainer John O'Shea, who celebrated his first Group One win for Sheikh Mohammed when Contributer claimed the Chipping Norton Stakes last start, said he heeded McDonald's advice to ride the horse more conservatively.

"He's a true weight-for-age horse. He's got a great turn of foot and it looks like he's answered a few questions today," O'Shea said.

"James has always been adamant if we ride him a little bit quieter he'll accelerate better and you saw that today. It was a wonderful performance. He's got an electric turn of foot."

Fast Dragon led at a leisurely speed early, but jockey Brenton Avdulla added tactical interest when he upped the tempo inside the 800m and raced to a six-length lead.

McDonald didn't panic, improving Contributer's position towards the inside to have him poised to strike on the home turn.

So well was the import travelling at the top of the straight, he all but shoved Lucia Valentina aside as he muscled through a split between her and the tiring Fast Dragon.

"That's what I expect James to do," O'Shea said.

"Mac knows that's how we ride Rosehill, so I knew what he was thinking and if it didn't work it was going to be my fault.

"It's a big team effort and you saw the result there."

Japan's Tosen Stardom ($4.40) finished second at his Australian debut, 1-1/4 lengths behind the $2.50 favourite.

Speaking through Sydney jockey Yusuke Ichikawa, trainer Yasutoshi Ikee said the horse would improve ahead of his main aim the Queen Elizabeth Stakes.

"They went too steady and he will improve. It was first-up for him and his aim is the Queen Elizabeth," Ikee said.

Lucia Valentina ($6) was another 1-1/4 lengths away third and trainer Kris Lees indicated she would back up in The BMW next Saturday.

Silent Achiever, which raced handy and battled on for fourth, is also likely to return to Rosehill in seven days.

Contributer firmed to $3 outright favourite for the Queen Elizabeth Stakes following his Ranvet win.


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