The Druids Nephew needs new jockey

Tuesday 24 March 2015, 9:27am

Injuries to two leading jockeys has left Grand National contender The Druids Nephew without a rider.

Trainer Neil Mulholland will not rush a decision and says he has plenty of jockeys to choose from for The Druids Nephew, the fourth favourite for the April 11 showpiece at Aintree.

Regular partner Barry Geraghty has a hairline fracture in a leg from a fall on Sunday.

"There are a lot of names in the hat and I've had plenty of agents on the phone, as you can imagine," Mulholland said.

"My second choice if Barry wasn't available was Davy Russell (who broke his arm on Saturday) as he rode him in the Hennessy, so plan A and B are both out of the window.

"It's not a decision we can make quickly as he's going there with a serious chance."

The eight-year-old was an easy winner at the Cheltenham Festival, propelling himself to the forefront of betting for the great race.


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