Bayliss and Egan have suspensions reduced

Friday 27 March 2015, 4:08pm

Victoria's leading apprentice Regan Bayliss will be back riding on Monday after a successful appeal against the severity of a careless riding suspension.

Bayliss leads the state wide title from Patrick Moloney but trails his rival in the metropolitan championship by one as of Friday afternoon.

He appeared before the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board on Friday in an attempt to have a 12 meeting careless riding suspension reduced and had four meetings shaved off.

Billy Egan also had a win at the RAD Board on Friday with a suspension halved from 12 meetings to six.

Egan was outed after weighing in 1.2kg over his declared weight aboard Aristides who finished second at the Kyneton meeting.

Egan inadvertently added a lead bag to his gear after weighing out for the race.

Like Bayliss, Egan can return to riding on Monday.


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