Munce keeps his nerve as Leggera wins

Saturday 26 March 2016, 3:17pm

Trainer Chris Munce's biggest worry with Doomben winner Nicconi Leggera is how his nerves will stand up when she tackles stakes races in the winter carnival.

Nicconi Leggera ($4.20) showed electric speed to lead before hanging to on beat Bagus ($4.20) by a short head with a head to Happy Event ($2.70) in the Cascade Handicap on Saturday.

Munce said Nicconi Leggera was a class filly who was well up to stakes races in the winter and would get at least 1600m.

"She has had only the one barrier trial at Deagon and sometimes you have to be a bit cautious about the quality," he said.

"Nicconi Leggera will improve a lot from that run. I have a lot of nice young horses but she is the best," he said.

Munce paid $60,000 for Nicconi Leggera at the QTIS Magic Millions sales and believes she will prove a bargain for big syndicate including Brisbane Broncos boss Paul White.

"My biggest worry is my nerves when a good horse races. I get more nervous then when I rode," Munce said.

"But I suppose it is like being a footballer who becomes a coach, it is nerve time all the time," Munce said.


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