Hayes believes Queen's horse can win again

Thursday 23 June 2016, 3:28pm

Having broken through for his first Australian win, Bold Sniper's trainer David Hayes is confident The Queen's horse can go on with the job at Flemington.

Dylan Dunn wore the monarch's famous colours - purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap, gold fringe - to win on Bold Sniper at Sandown late last month and the apprentice has the ride again in Saturday's Wimmera & Murray Mallee Handicap (2520m).

Bold Sniper has top weight of 60kg with Dunn to claim 2kg.

Hayes, who trains in partnership with Tom Dabernig, rates Bold Sniper the stable's best hope at the meeting.

"I really love the way he's worked over the last 10 days," Hayes said in his weekly stable update.

"We're thrilled with the way he's progressed and it's a similar field to what he beat (last start).

"I think despite his big weight he can win again."


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