Kerrin McEvoy to be fit for Tiara meeting

Thursday 23 June 2016, 5:16pm

Kerrin McEvoy has a sore head after a barrier incident at Newcastle but expects to be fit to ride at the final Group One meeting of the season.

McEvoy struck his head when Heavenly Mum reared in the barriers at Newcastle on Thursday and was stood down from the rest of his rides.

He did not suffer concussion or any serious injury.

McEvoy rides the Peter and Paul Snowden-trained Artistry in Saturday's Group One Tattersall's Tiara at Eagle Farm.

The winner of the Group Three Newcastle Newmarket in March, Artistry is a $15 chance in the Tiara.

She finished second to Tiara rival Cradle Me in the Group Two Dane Ripper Stakes in her lead-up run.

McEvoy's other six Eagle Farm rides include the James Cummings-trained Shamalia in the Group Three Healy Stakes.


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