Late night flight for Most Important

Thursday 17 August 2017, 11:28am

Brisbane sprinter Most Important is set for a late night trip to Melbourne after missing his scheduled flight.

Most Important, who picked up a $500,000 bonus for winning the Brisbane summer triple sprint crown, is an acceptor for the Listed Regal Roller Stakes at Caulfield on Saturday.

Trainer Tony Gollan flew to Melbourne on Thursday planning to meet Most Important at Melbourne airport.

"As it has turned out I am in Melbourne and Most important is back in Brisbane. The plane which was going to bring him to Melbourne broke down and the flight was cancelled," Gollan said.

He said Most Important was booked on a flight which left Brisbane about 11.30pm on Thursday.

"I'm confident he will get here. I will be at Caulfield when he arrives. If he doesn't I will be on an early morning flight back to Brisbane," Gollan said.

"It is no use worrying about it and it gives me a chance to catch up on some work down here."

Gollan is expecting a good run from Most Important but believes there is improvement in him.

"Obviously he has only had the one trial and isn't fully wound up yet. But he should be able to get into a nice position as they don't go along as fast as we do in Brisbane," Gollan said.

"I would be disappointed if he doesn't run well."


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