ATC Everest slot down to five

Tuesday 5 September 2017, 9:51am

Brave Smash, Clearly Innocent, Global Glamour, Le Romain and Redzel have made the shortlist for the Australian Turf Club's slot in the $10 million Everest.

The ATC received around 20 expressions of interest to represent the club in the world's richest turf race over 1200m at Randwick on October 14.

"Amongst the five horses we have shortlisted we have some of Australia's greatest trainers in Darren Weir, Kris Lees, Gai Waterhouse and Adrian Bott, and Peter and Paul Snowden,'' ATC chief executive Darren Pearce said.

"The shortlisted horses have diverse groups of owners, including large syndicates such as Triple Crown, Australian Bloodstock, an international group of women owners in Global Glamour, an established industry investor in Cressfield and another large partnership group in Le Romain.

"Now that we have shortlisted, we can commence detailed negotiations with each of the five groups of connections and their trainers as they further plan preparations towards The Everest.

"Waiting a little longer to make our final decision also allows us to continue to monitor the form of each of the five thoroughbreds over the coming weeks.

"It was also important for everyone at the ATC to be transparent to allow connections of horses not on our shortlist to discuss their horses with other slot owners.

"The ATC will continue to encourage owners of potential The Everest horses to pursue races such as the Premiere Stakes worth $500,000 and The Everest Consolation (also worth $500,000) as circumstances can change quickly in racing."

(Brave Smash in Japan)

(Brave Smash beaten by Vega Magic)

(Clearly Innocent)

(Global Glamour)

(Le Romain)



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