Ward celebrates Brisbane comeback winner

Saturday 16 September 2017, 12:49pm

Experienced horseman Darryl Ward had his first winner in his comeback to training with Another Whiskey scoring at Doomben.

Jockey Robbie Fradd made the most of a pick-up ride from flu-stricken Larry Cassidy to guide Another Whiskey ($5) to victory in Saturday's Ezidebit Open Handicap (1110m).

Ward has taken over as the trainer of Another Whiskey and three other runners from his former boss, Steele Ryan who has retired from training.

Ryan mixed training with running a manufacturing business and Ward still does some work for his company to help pay the bills.

Ward was stable foreman for Ryan for four years but has an extensive history in horse racing.

"I am originally from Cunnamulla (western Queensland) and went to NSW to work with trainers such as Albert Stapleford," Ward said.

"I got an opportunity to train in Western Australia where I had some winners. But I have two young daughters and my partner and I thought the opportunities were better in Queensland."

Ward said at this stage he would keep his team to three or four.

"Steele has been great and is a real help. But I will feel my way and hopefully go forward from here," Ward said.

Fradd said Another Whiskey had got a nice run behind a breakneck speed and finished too well.


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