Marshall appeals 26-meeting suspension

Friday 1 December 2017, 11:32am

Apprentice Taylor Marshall has lodged an appeal against a lengthy suspension for careless riding.

Earlier this week, Racing Victoria stewards concluded an inquiry into the reason jockey Arron Lynch fell from Red Crown near the 400m mark of a race at Yarra Valley on October 28 and found Marshall guilty of careless riding aboard Subutai.

Marshall was banned for 26 meetings but has appealed both the guilty verdict and the penalty.

The suspension was due to start after Saturday's Sandown meeting at which Marshall is booked for two rides but the apprentice has been granted a stay of proceedings until after Sunday's Geelong meeting.

He is booked for three rides on Sunday.

Stewards ruled Marshall allowed Subutai to shift ground outwards when not clear of Red Crown who was tightened for room.

They said as a result of the tightening Red Crown appeared to clip heels and knuckle badly, resulting in Lynch falling.

Marshall's hearing at the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board is on Monday.


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