Snowdens' filly too fast in Mode Plate

Saturday 2 December 2017, 4:20pm

A more confident Pretty Fast completed the first part of a successful Brisbane summer campaign and left the Snowden training partnership with a puzzle.

Pretty Fast ($2.10) gave Peter and Paul Snowden their first feature win of the summer when she beat Winter Bride ($9.50) in the Listed Bobby Clarke Mode Plate (1200m).

The Snowdens have made a habit of bringing the right horses to Brisbane and since they went into partnership in 2014 they have had 22 overall winners in the north.

Pretty Fast raced in Brisbane during the winter but she struggled.

Paul Snowden said Pretty Fast was now a far more confident horse and it was important she won a black-type race.

"She is a $600,000 horse so she will be a valuable broodmare and even more valuable with he black type. She won three in a row in Sydney and Newcastle before coming here and she's a lot more confident," Snowden said.

"She was headed early but once Damian (jockey Browne) kicked up to the lead again she was going to be hard to beat.

"There is a race for her in two weeks which is similar to this. We think 1200m is her right distance but she is a Magic Millions horse.

"The Magic Millions Guineas is 1400m but it's worth $2 million so we will have to think about it."

Snowden said Pretty Fast could return to south and could have five days in the paddock before being set for the Millions.


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