Jones fatal fall an accident: stewards

Tuesday 5 December 2017, 12:49pm

The fall in which popular country jockey Darren Jones lost his life has been judged an accident.

Racing NSW stewards have concluded an inquiry into the fall at Warialda in northern NSW on April 8 in which jockeys Leanne Henry and Melanie Bolwell also fell and were injured.

Stewards said Jones' mount Montague Clan was racing keenly approaching the 450 metres with the jockey continually restraining him.

Montague Clan then shifted out slightly and struck the heels of another horse, became unbalanced and Jones fell.

Bolwell's mount True Commitment was unable to avoid Montague Clan and also fell while Henry's mount Achanizo became unbalanced after being checked and Henry came off.

The stewards' report said it was determined there was no rider error apparent and the incident was caused by the manner in which Montague Clan was racing at that time.

Stewards said a veterinary examination of Montague Clan found he had suffered a fractured off side scapula but there there was no evidence of any pre-existing condition.

Both Montague Clan and True Commitment, who fractured his left fore leg, were euthanised.

Before the race, stewards and senior riders had inspected a section of the track between the 600 and 400 metres and it was determined fit for racing.

Henry who suffered a collar bone injury, has returned to riding but Bolwell who suffered bleeding around the brain and fractures in her neck and foot is still sidelined.


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