Qld trainers want action on stayers

Wednesday 6 December 2017, 9:47am

Queensland trainers have called for an urgent meeting to address problems with the lack of stayers in the state.

Chris Waller has exposed the weakness of Queensland stayers by winning nine middle distance races in Queensland since Sydney's premier trainer opened his Gold Coast stable in August.

Other NSW and Victorian trainers have come to Queensland to win middle distance and staying races in the past 12 months.

The Queensland branch of the Australian Trainers Association wants an overhaul of the way distance races are programmed for younger horses in the state.

ATAQ secretary Cameron Partington said by neglecting young stayers in Queensland it was encouraging the owners of any that showed ability to send them interstate.

"The trainers over the border will bring their "B" graders up here and take home the majority of the prize money," Partington said..

"Some very serious thought needs to be put into this issue. We believe the culture or mindset of our programming for staying types needs a major overhaul."

"Our suggestion is getting the right people together to discuss this and implement an action plan to make change."

Partington said one step could be a change of progression from maiden, three-year-old races and up to Open class that would encourage horses to stay in Queensland.


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