Queensland has most luck in Origin draw

Wednesday 6 December 2017, 2:36pm

Queensland has had the luck of the draw in allocation of mounts for the Origin jockeys' series heats on Friday.

Riders from seven different teams will take part in Origin series on Friday and Saturday at Doomben and Caloundra on Sunday.

Queensland's Matt McGillivray has picked up the prime ride on top three-year-old I Am Impinge in the second heat on Friday.

I Am Impinge is rated one of the best three-year-olds in the state and despite being beaten first-up at the Sunshine Coast he will be at short odds to atone.

McGillivray's teammate Jim Byrne has got the good ride of Sir Cass in the first heat.

NSW's Michael Rodd and Tasmania's Craig Newitt missed rides in the first heat on Friday when only 12 horses accepted for the race.

They were both automatically awarded one point each.

Rodd had some luck in the Saturday draw, picking up the mount on promising stayer Sheza Lily in the second heat.

The teams are: Matt McGillivray and Jim Byrne (Queensland), Craig Newitt and Brendon McCoull (Tasmania), Robbie Fradd and Mark Du Plessis (All Stars), Michael Rodd and Tye Angland (NSW), Luke Nolen and Clare Lindop (Victoria), Jamie Kah and Dwayne Dunn (South Australia), Damian Browne and Larry Cassidy (New Zealand).


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