Ipswich wins for Jackson Murphy, Zoe White

Wednesday 6 December 2017, 4:27pm

Racegoers at the low-key Ipswich midweek meeting got a chance to see the future of Brisbane riding ranks in action.

There were 10 races on the card but the fields were small due to the rail placement because of recent heavy rain.

It took nothing off the gloss of wins by 3kg claiming apprentices Jackson Murphy and Zoe White.

Murphy had one ride for one winner - Hard Evidence ($5) who beat stablemate Match Day ($6) in a photo.

White won on Husson Boots ($3.40) for her master Tony Gollan.

Murphy and White are tipped to be Brisbane's leading apprentices next year.

Murphy, who had ridden 76 winners in the NSW northern rivers region, joined Chris Anderson at Eagle Farm last month.

He rode a winner at Beaudesert on Tuesday and followed it with his first metropolitan winner on Hard Evidence.

Anderson has no doubts Murphy will make the grade as a metropolitan apprentice.

"He can ride at 51 kilos, works hard and reads races well," Anderson said.

"We won't introduce him to Saturday metropolitan racing until after the Magic Millions (January 13) but I am sure he will be in demand then."

Gollan is just as upbeat about White's future in metropolitan racing where she has already ridden four winners.

White is better known to Queensland punters as she rode 123 winners when based in Rockhampton.

Gollan got a double when Plan Red ($4) turned around his form after jockey Jim Byrne was able to get cover for him in a small field.

"He can be tricky to ride by Jim got him back into his right racing pattern with cover and he finished off well.

Rock On Destiny ($2.20) continued one of racing's most consistent form guides when he won.

He is by sire Easy Rocking who is noted as the best sire of wet-track horses in Queensland.


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