Nozi repays owners' faith at Doomben

Saturday 9 December 2017, 5:45pm

Veteran jockey Nozi Tomizawa can thank the internet for his winning ride on Sylpheed in the Listed Just Now Quality at Doomben.

Tomizawa rides mainly in Toowoomba on Saturdays but ventures down the range when asked for special rides.

He rarely rides for Gold Coast-based trainer Toby Edmonds but has been the jockey on Sylpheed on two of her past three runs.

Edmonds is on holidays in New Zealand and his son Trent said Tomizawa's booking for Sylpheed was one of the more unusual stories.

"Sylpheed is owned by Tommy Sekiguchi, who is based in Japan and has made his money through computers," Edmonds said.

"He has noticed on the internet Nozi riding winners around the place and sent us an Facebook message asking we book him. In fact, he was going to take the horse off us when we didn't book Nozi last start."

Tomizawa repaid the faith bringing Sylpheed ($13) along the fence to beat Denmagic ($4.60) by 1-1/4 lengths, with Sheiswhatsheis ($13) a neck further back.

Edmonds said Sylpheed would now try to get into the Magic Millions series via a wildcard entry.

"She raced very well during the winter and was unlucky in a couple of races including the Queensland Guineas," Edmonds said.

"Her honesty has been rewarded today. It was good to get a win because we have had a bit of bad luck lately. Last time dad was away we won five races in a day at Caloundra and maybe he should stay away more."

Tomizawa said Sylpheed had had a good run along the fence in the final 200m.

"She did a very good job. That was one of biggest wins," he said.


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