Fred Kersley doubles up at Geelong

Thursday 14 December 2017, 6:03pm

West Australian apprentice Fred Kersley is starting to make a name for himself in Victoria.

On loan to the Lindsay Park team after a win at Sandown on December 2, Kersley repaid the stable with a winning double at Geelong on Thursday.

He rode Misty Rock to win a maiden over 1535m and Young Hostess in a benchmark 64 race over 1735m.

"It's great to get another winner for the boss and the team that support the stable," Kersley told broadcaster

He was later narrowly beaten aboard the Paul Preusker-trained Kapaulenko in Thursday's final race.

The grandson of WA harness racing legend and dual Cox Plate winning thoroughbred trainer Fred Kersley, the apprentice has been based with Lindsay Park for just over a week.

He was able to make his move to Melbourne permanent after winning for the stable on Memory Bank at Sandown on December 2 after riding at that meeting on a visiting jockeys' licence.


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