Forecast hot weather in Victoria has prompted the transfer of the next Echuca meeting.
With a forecast temperature of 41 degrees on Monday, Racing Victoria has announced the Echuca meeting will be transferred to Wednesday where a more comfortable top temperature of 30 degrees is forecast.
The meeting will be staged in conjunction with the Sandown meeting on Wednesday.
All races at Sandown will now be later with the first at 2.05pm and the last at 6.05pm.
Nominations for the transferred Echuca meeting have been re-opened until 11am on Friday with acceptances to close at 9.30am on Monday.
With no racing in Victoria on Monday it will be a preview to a 10-week trial, beginning on January 15, of Monday-free racing in Victoria.
RV has enacted its hot weather policy for Sunday's meetings at Bendigo and Horsham with racing to begin early and finish before the hottest part of the day.