Adelaide connection pays off for Caserta

Saturday 16 December 2017, 3:40pm

Apprentice Chris Caserta is making the most of his recent good form by landing his first double at Caulfield aboard two Adelaide-trained horses.

Victory aboard Phillip Stokes-trained Trogir in the Moorookyle Park Handicap and Lloyd Kennewell's Angelucci in the Sheamus Mills Bloodstock Handicap provided the Caulfield-based apprentice with his first Saturday double.

Apprenticed to John Sadler, Caserta spent the majority of the Melbourne spring carnival plying his trade in Adelaide.

The exercise paid handsomely on Saturday with Trogir sent off a $12 chance while Angelucci ($26) knocked the $2 favourite Vinland out of a place.

Caserta rode his first Melbourne metropolitan double at Mornington on Wednesday and was over the moon with Saturday's success.

"That's my first Saturday meeting double in Melbourne and it's great to do it on two Adelaide horses," Caserta said.

"Those trips to Adelaide definitely made it worthwhile.

"It's a credit to both trainers for bringing the horses over and producing the goods."

After spending 18 months sidelined with a broken leg, Caserta was due to finish his apprenticeship last month but has had it extended to April 2019 and needs two more winners to reduce his claim to 2kg.


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