Toby Edmonds wins QRMA award

Tuesday 19 December 2017, 9:33am

Gold Coast trainer Toby Edmonds has won the fifth annual Queensland Racing Media Association's award for personality of the year.

Edmonds received the award at a function attended by trainers, jockeys, racing officials and the media.

The award is given to the person in racing judged to have given the sport the highest profile in a year through performances on and off the racetrack.

Edmonds trained Houtzen to win the Magic Millions Classic but also had the best strike rate of any trainer in Queensland, finishing second on the Brisbane premiership last season.

He is again running second in the Brisbane premiership and has already trained three black-type winners this season.

"It has been a good couple of years and I obviously hope we can continue with it," Edmonds said.

Previous winners are Tony Gollan, Robert Heathcote, Damian Brown and Bryan Guy and Kelly Schweida who shared it last year.


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