Blake Shinn quizzed again over ride

Tuesday 19 December 2017, 6:27pm

Blake Shinn has been questioned at length in camera at an ongoing inquiry into his ride on Star Sensation in a race at Rosehill.

Shinn and apprentice Andrew Adkins, who rode Burden Of Proof, again appeared before Racing NSW stewards on Tuesday over tactics in the race on November 25.

The two were quizzed on race day about their rides with favourite Star Sensation, who drifted from $3.40 to $4, third and Burden Of Proof fourth behind the Peter and Paul Snowden-trained pair Bull Market and Poetic Charmer.

The inquiry was again adjourned on Tuesday to allow stewards to obtain and review Shinn's financial and communication records.

Adkins, who attended with his master Ron Quinton, was told stewards had no further questions for him but might need to call on him at a later date.

Evidence was also given by Racing NSW chief investigator Nathan Hayward and betting analyst Mitchell Reid.

At the original inquiry, stewards asked Shinn why he continued to ride forward and cross to try to gain the lead on the Mark Newnham-trained Star Sensation instead of following Radiant Choice.

Star Sensation raced outside the leader Maid Marilyn.

Shinn said his instructions were to take up a forward position but he was given no specific instruction as to where to settle.

Newnham told that inquiry he was generally satisfied with Shinn's tactics.


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