Light summer workload for Oink

Thursday 21 December 2017, 12:10pm

Stakes performer Oink begins a career-defining campaign when he resumes at the Gold Coast.

Damian Browne will ride Oink in the Benchmark 90 (1200m), part of a 10-race card on Saturday.

The gelding was considered good enough to run in the 2016 Group One Golden Rose at Rosehill and confirmed that rating with some strong performances during his winter campaign.

Oink, who is a popular horse because his owners include family and friends of the late jockey Tim Bell, will be having his first run since winning a Class Six at Doomben on August 12.

Trainer Kelly Schweida said Oink's summer would be a short one but in many ways would define the rest of his career.

"He isn't a Magic Millions horse so there isn't a lot for him. I will potter along with him and hope to pick up a race here and there," Schweida said.

"I am not exactly sure where he is right at this moment. I have always felt his four-year-old season would be his best. I don't know whether we look at the really big races in the Sydney autumn or come back a cog to the Brisbane winter."

"How he goes this summer will show us which way to take him."

Oink has had a trial in the lead-up to Saturday's race, finishing third at Deagon on December 12.

"He wasn't asked to do a lot and I was satisfied with his effort. His first-up record is very good so I would hope for a sound effort on Saturday," Schweida said.


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