Chris Waller sticks to winning formula

Friday 22 December 2017, 3:51pm

The powerful Chris Waller stable is sticking to a tried and true formula, using the adage that when on a good thing stick to it, with its stayers in Queensland.

Sydney's leading trainer Waller opened a Queensland stable in August with the intention of concentrating on staying races and the Magic Millions.

He has won 12 metropolitan races to be seventh on the trainers premiership with nine of his victories in middle distance races.

Waller again has a strong hand in the staying race at the Gold Coast on Saturday, a Benchmark 75, with KIrini odds-on to win.

Waller also has the ultra consistent The Rumour File in the race.

His Queensland stable manager Paul Shailer said they had stuck with a simple plan for all of their stayers.

"They work the same, we use senior riders in races and we don't hustle them along in their races to be near the lead," Shailer said.

Waller is also starting to produce more of his two-year-olds with Hadrian among the main chances in the Aquis Ladies Day 2YO Handicap (900m) on Saturday.

Hadrian, who ran second in a Gold Coast trial earlier this month, will wear a lugging bit and a tongue tie.


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