Brian Smith on a winning double

Sunday 24 December 2017, 12:49pm

Eagle Farm trainer Brian Smith believes he is on a winning double with his new apprentice Boris Thornton and veteran galloper Feltre.

Thornton is trying his luck in Queensland and has already ridden a winner for Smith on Canongate two weeks ago.

He comes from a racing family with his father Glenn a trainer and siblings Damien and Stephanie both jockeys.

Thornton had a successful stint in Tasmania and has ridden winners in Melbourne but still has a three-kilogram claim.

"He is a good kid and has impressed a lot of the other trainers with his strength in a finish," Smith said.

Smith is hoping Feltre can finally break his Magic Millions Trophy (2200m) run of seconds in the 2018 version.

Feltre was a controversial second in the 2016 Trophy when he was beaten a nose but jockey Ryan Wiggins thought he had won.

The race was increased from 1800m to 2200m in 2017 and Feltre was again second this time to Group One performer Stratum Star.

Feltre showed he was back near his best form with a runaway win at the Gold Coast on Saturday.

Jim Byrne rode Feltre on Saturday and is expected to have the Millions Trophy ride.

The gelding is raced by one of Queensland's biggest owners, Billy Andrews, who has a soft spot for Feltre.

"If any horse deserves a Magic Millions win it is him," Andrews said.


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