Siegfried headed to fourth Millions day

Friday 5 January 2018, 4:39pm

Trainer Toby Edmonds believes classy sprinter Siegfried can run well at the Gold Coast and be ready for a fourth crack at the Magic Millions carnival.

Siegfried is topweight in Saturday's Aquis Farm Pretraining Open Handicap (1200m) which will be his second run back from a spell.

The gelding has followed a similar path in recent years to the Magic Millions where he has run third in a Class Six in 2015, seventh in the Millions QTIS race in 2016 and fourth in the Millions QTIS race in 2017.

Siegfried has other strong Gold Coast form having run second in the Prime MInister's Cup at the track in May.

Edmonds would dearly love to win a Magic Millions race with Siegfried who has surprised him throughout his career.

"He was cheap buy at the Magic Millions but he has now won nine races and more than $400,000 for us," Edmonds said.

"We didn't think he would be up to top grade but he surprised us and took a step up a couple of years ago. The QTIS race should suit him very well and he will have no trouble getting into the field."

Edmonds said Saturday's race should also suit Siegfried as he dropped considerably in class.

"He wasn't far away in a Group Three race first-up and this is a lot easier. He also seems to go well for Jeff (Lloyd)," Edmonds said.


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