Trainer to appeal protest result

Saturday 6 January 2018, 7:54am

English trainer Robin Dickin will appeal a stewards' decision to demote Oneida Tribe from a dead-heat win at Bangor.

The Donald McCain-trained Pinch Of Ginger (4-1) was awarded outright victory at an inquiry following the Stella Artois Novices' Handicap Chase, after dead-heating with the Dickin-trained Oneida Tribe (5-2 fav).

The stewards found the latter, ridden by Adrian Heskin, had interfered with Pinch Of Ginger in the run to line.

They felt it had improved Oneida Tribe's placing as his rival was carried off his intended line, had to switch and then rallied to dead-heat.

"There was no interference. I'm aghast it wasn't left a dead-heat," Dickin said.

Adding to Dickin's woes, there was no mirror image of the photo -finish available and he believed his horse may have won the race.


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