Boom time for Magic Millions Sale

Sunday 7 January 2018, 2:31pm

There will be 24 first-season sires represented at the Magic Millions Yearling Sale but for Queenslanders the performance of Spirit Of Boom's second crop will command the most attention.

Spirit Of Boom's first crop have taken all before them and the 2014 Doomben 10,000 winner had seven winners before the New Year including leading Magic Millions Classic contender Ef Troop.

He will have 14 lots at the sale and how they are received by southern buyers is seen as a major test for the Queensland breeding industry.

The least worried is Eureka studmaster Scott McAlpine who was at the Gold Coast races watching his wife Grania's mare Prue Angel run on Saturday.

But from here on it will be all hands on deck for the season's first major sale.

"There has obviously been plenty of interest all round in Spirit of Boom's lots. But it is no use getting ahead of yourself," McAlpine said.

"I am obviously hoping he performs well for us and for the Queensland breeding industry. He is the first Group One winner to stand here for a while and if he is successful it might encourage more to come north."

Former top Brisbane sprinter Better Than Ready heads the Queensland first-season sires and has eight lots for auction.

Other first-season sires include multiple stakes winners Adelaide, Hallowed Crown, Brazen Beau, Sacred Falls and Dissident.

The six-day sale starts on Wednesday.


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