Tony Pike calls for action on NZ tracks

Monday 8 January 2018, 7:45am

New Zealand Trainer's Association President, Tony Pike, has called on authorities to address the situation which has resulted in six race meetings being called off in a week because of unsafe tracks.

"What can you say, it's just a complete embarrassment for the Industry," Pike told NZ Racing Desk.

"I think we are all aware that the weather can play havoc at times but the circumstances around some of the abandonments in the last week are ridiculous and we just can't carry on like this.

"The livelihoods of so many people are being put in serious jeopardy and I just don't know how much more we can take."

Pike is seeking urgent action from the governing body, New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing.

"I have heard there could be a meeting at NZTR this week which just can't come quick enough," he said.

"I'm sure they are aware of just what the implications are for the Industry, so we will be looking to see what comes out of this and how they intend to implement any measures to address the situation."


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