New turf ready for Eagle Farm racetrack

Thursday 25 January 2018, 5:36pm

Workmen will begin laying grass on the Eagle Farm course proper next week after a period of consultation and testing by contractors.

Former Racing Victoria executive Dale Monteith was in Brisbane on Thursday for a series of meetings with Racing Queensland, the Brisbane Racing Club and Racing Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe.

He was the author of a report into the remedial work needed to rebuild Eagle Farm's course proper after it was closed in May.

A small test patch has been laid at Eagle Farm and it has progressed well in the past month.

Racing Queensland's Chief Executive Elliott Forbes said grass would be cut at a farm where it was being grown on Monday.

Mr Forbes said there had been extensive consultation about the technique and methodology for laying the turf.

He said a test patch showed growth of the root structure ranging from 50mm to 75mm which was encouraging.

Mr Forbes said specialist turf consultants believes the turf was growing well and performing to expectations.

"RQ and The BRC have met with trainers and there were some positive responses," he said.

Mr Forbes said he could not put a time on a return to racing at Eagle Farm.

Eagle Farm will be closed for the winter carnival but it is expected to be reopened some time this year.


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