First Sydney runner a winner for Fleming

Saturday 27 January 2018, 3:27pm

Michelle Fleming has managed to find her way to the winners' stall at Rosehill despite never having been to a Sydney race meeting before.

The Tamworth trainer brought The Lion south for Saturday's TAB Highway (1100m) and capped a big week after two winners from three runners on her home track on Thursday.

Largely ignored by punters, The Lion ($26) came with a late run under Chris O'Brien to beat Another Sin ($3.50) by a convincing two lengths with El Mo ($4.80) another neck third.

"I've never even been to the races in Sydney before let alone had a runner," Fleming said.

"It's very emotional. I though we probably wouldn't get another opportunity to get him in a race like this.

"He settled in really well and handled the float trip better than I could have hoped."

Fleming is now eyeing the Country Championships with The Lion who will run in the heat at Scone on March 18.

"I think he is a horse who will get 1400 metres so that is an aim," she said.

"I'll take him home tomorrow and we'll make plans."

Fleming has been training for about six years and has between seven and eight in work at any one time.

"That's about what I can handle," she said.


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