Sista Act claims rich bonus at Caloundra

Saturday 27 January 2018, 4:57pm

Trainer Liam Birchkey got expenses for his trip to New Zealand's Karaka yearling sales when Sista Act picked up a big bonus by winning at the Sunshine Coast.

Sista Act ($16) came from an outside barrier to lead all the way and beat Umberto ($18) by 2 1/2 lengths with long neck to Basra ($3.30) in third place.

Birchley has been a regular visitor to New Zealand with runners in the Karaka Millions races but did not have a starter this year.

But he was among the Australia contingent at the Karaka sales and left stable foreman Allan Russell In charge at Caloundra.

"Sista Act likes the Sunshine Coast and she won here at her previous start running fast time," Russell said.

Sista Act picked up a QTIS bonus for her win which took her total earnings from the race to $76,000.

"It is a nice pay day. I don't know if Liam has bought anything but that would help," Russell said.

Birchley will be back in Australia later this week in Melbourne when his lawyers will argue he doesn't have to stand down from training.

Victorian stewards have charged him with three offences which Birchley denies.


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