She Will Reign over injury scare

Sunday 28 January 2018, 3:11pm

Dual Group One winner She Will Reign is back on track for her next assignment after an injury scare.

The filly had some swelling in a fetlock on Friday forcing trainer Gary Portelli to cancel a scheduled gallop between races at Rosehill the following day.

"It was gone by Saturday morning but we had to err on the side of caution because we had organised the gallop," Portelli said.

"Maybe she just knocked it. It wasn't much but it was something that wasn't there before.

"We iced it and it's fine and she should have a gallop on Monday."

The winner of the last year's Golden Slipper and Moir Stakes, She Will Reign's next assignment is the $250,000 Inglis Sprint on February 10 when boom Melbourne three-year-old Nature Strip is expected to be among her rivals.

All going well, she will head to Melbourne for the Oakleigh Plate with the TJ Smith Stakes during the Championships at Randwick in April a goal.

A $20,000 yearling, She Will Reign has won five of her seven starts and more then $3 million prize money.


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