Caulfield to host another twilight meeting

Tuesday 30 January 2018, 1:32pm

A midweek twilight race meeting in the lead-up to Blue Diamond Stakes day has been shifted from Sandown to Caulfield.

Caulfield hosted the first Wednesday twilight city meeting of Racing Victoria's current 10-week trial on January 17, with that meeting hailed a success.

It prompted the Melbourne Racing Club to transfer the February 21 twilight meeting from Sandown to Caulfield.

The meeting will be held three days before the Group One Blue Diamond Stakes at Caulfield.

"The opening twilight meeting of the 'Double-header Wednesdays' series at Caulfield exceeded the MRC's and Racing Victoria's expectations by all measures, and received consistently positive feedback from our members, punters, participants and owners, so we are pleased to able to hold another at Caulfield and spread some the upcoming load on Ladbrokes Park (Sandown)," MRC chief executive Josh Blanksby said.

"It adds to what is already a huge week at the Heath for the club, our members and the racing industry."

Sandown will host six twilight midweek meetings in the next two months, starting with Wednesday's meeting on the Hillside track.

Racing Victoria is also trialling race-free Mondays over the 10 weeks, adding a country meeting during the day on Wednesday with the main meeting in the twilight timeslot.


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