RV to hold prize money won by Vasil

Thursday 1 February 2018, 4:31pm

Trainer Tony Vasil can continue to race his horses in Victoria after stewards considered submissions on his behalf in the ongoing inquiry into race day treatments.

A condition of Vasil continuing to train is that his prize money percentage earned from February 1 is to be held by Racing Victoria until the final determination of the charge laid against him, including any appeals.

Vasil agreed that if he is found not guilty the prize money held will be distributed while if found guilty the prize money held by RV will be forfeited.

He is one of eight licensed or registered people under the former Aquanita banner charged last month following investigations sparked by the case of alleged race day treatment to the Robert Smerdon-trained Lovani.

The Caulfield trainer faces one charge that on seven occasions between December 26, 2010 and June 7, 2013 he engaged in a practice that was dishonest, corrupt or fraudulent, improper or dishonest, in that he was a party to the administration of alkalinising agents or medications to a horse or horses on a race day.

Vasil was issued a show-cause notice by stewards on January 12 as to why he should be allowed to continue training.

On Thursday, stewards accepted the undertakings of Vasil, in the current circumstances, as he is training a limited number of horses and has provided detailed medical evidence as to the mental illness he continues to suffer.

Stewards also informed Vasil that pending the hearing and determination of the charge, his stable will be subject to higher than normal levels of scrutiny.

Queensland trainer Liam Birchley, who has also been charged, has agreed not to start any horses in Victoria until the inquiry and subsequent result.

A directions hearing involving those charged, including Smerdon and Stuart Webb who have stood down from training duties, will be held by the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board on Tuesday.


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