Tiffani Brooker to step up as senior rider

Friday 2 February 2018, 11:29am

Tiffani Brooker has genuine chances to ride winners for some of her greatest supporters when she competes as a junior for the last time at Doomben.

Brooker won last season's Brisbane apprentice's title and is again leading this season.

She has ridden 202 overall winners and 72 in the metropolitan area with her best win in the Group Three Gunsynd Classic on Dreams Aplenty.

Brooker has four rides on Saturday aboard Red Doulton (for Natalie McCall), Deep Image (David Vandyke), Saga Miss (Peter and Will Hulbert) and Divine Service (Darryl Hansen).

She won on Let's Party Marty for Vandyke at Ipswich on Wednesday and had a double for Hansen last Saturday including the $1250,000 Caloundra Classic on Pennino.

"I would like to thank everyone who supported me as an apprentice and hopefully I can continue to ride winners for them as a senior," Brooker said.

She will ride as senior jockey for the first time on Sunday at the Sunshine Coast.


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