Derby aspirant to run at Sunshine Coast

Saturday 17 February 2018, 12:28pm

Trainer Stuart Kendrick admits Queensland's fickle weather has left him giddy as he chases a suitable race to launch promising stayer Rancho Montoya's southern campaign.

Racing Queensland has added the five races abandoned on Friday night at the Sunshine Coast due to a storm to that track's meeting on Sunday.

Kendrick entered Rancho Montoya for races at the Sunshine Coast on Friday night and Doomben on Saturday.

"I was originally inclined to run at the Sunshine Coast but after talking with the owners we decided the Doomben race over 1600m would be a better stepping stone than the 1400m at the Sunshine Coast," Kendrick said.

"We scratched from the Sunshine Coast but then had to also scratch from the Doomben meeting after a storm left that track as a heavy rating."

"But then the Sunshine Coast was also abandoned on Friday night and his race has been added to Sunday's meeting. So with the scratchings reinstated he can run at the Sunshine Cost on Sunday."

Kendrick then hopes to press on with Ranch Montoya towards the ATC Australian Derby at Randwick in April.


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