VRC shake-up claims Flemington track man

Wednesday 28 February 2018, 5:08pm

The Victoria Racing Club has announced a change to its leadership structure with track manager Mick Goodie leaving the club.

Goodie and Martin Talty, the executive general manager of racing, are both leaving as part of a new strategy rollout by the club.

Liam O'Keeffe takes over from Goodie while chief executive Neil Wilson will oversee the VRC's racing portfolio until a permanent replacement for Talty is found.

O'Keeffe was Goodie's assistant manager for four years, having previously been track manager at Warrnambool.

His experience also includes six weeks of intensive track management and preparation in the UK at Ascot, York, Newmarket, Windsor and Goodwood racecourses.

"We are delighted Liam has accepted the role," Wilson said.

"His leadership qualities and extensive experience will enable the VRC to deliver on our short-term operational requirements and long-term racing strategy objectives."


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